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January 2025
Second Sunday after the Epiphany, Year C - Lectionary Planning Notes
January 26, 2025
Where You Are: Embracing the Familiar Third Sunday after the Epiphany, Year C
February 02, 2025
Where You Are: Embracing the Familiar Fourth Sunday after the Epiphany, Year C
Home Blog
June 2012
Leadership in the Wesleyan Methodist movement is historically a partnership between laity and clergy. In the early nineteenth century Methodism experienced rapid growth. Most clerg...
May 2012
In April 2011, I embarked on a series of articles on the UMC Worship Blog playing with the metaphor of "bearings." The series started with the nautical meaning of "taking bearings,...
This post, also appearing on the emergingumc blog, is a bit of a departure from my usual contributions to this blog. Today, I want to bear witness to ways I saw the Holy Spirit mov...
While there are hardly any special days or emphases on the United Methodist program calendar during July and August, that all starts to change dramatically in September. In the US,...
Sharing Pastoral Power: Wesleyan Foundations for Leadership in the Congregation November 1-3, 2012 The General Board of Discipleship in Nashville, Tennessee The Wesleyan Leadership...
I recently attended a gathering of United Methodist clergy. One of the topics of conversation was “Who is a disciple?”. We were invited to discuss the question in table groups. The...
The 2012 General Conference of The United Methodist Church has done its work. The quadrennial General Conference is an important event for United Methodists because it speaks for t...
April 2012
As I think and pray about all my friends and colleagues working and worshiping at General Conference, the following passage from A Plain Account of Christian Perfection came to min...
Covenant Discipleship groups are designed to make disciples of Jesus Christ who make disciples. The General Rule of Discipleship and the process of weekly accountability for practi...
Easter. Big crowds, perhaps some of the most lavish music, art and/or drama of the year, a big dinner (or two!) with family and/or church family, and, very likely, somewhere in the...
March 2012
“a spell of listlessness or despondency”“The catechesis of being accountable for aspects of discipleship which have been neglected or taken for granted, gives each group a wealth o...
LUG PIB RUA KEVCAI RAUSDLEJ Vaaj Ntsujplig hab tug Nkauj Nyaab has tas, “Ca le lug ntawm nuav! Tug kws nqhes dlej ca le lug ntawm nuav, tug kws xaav haus ca le lug txais cov dlej c...
“Thee, Father, Son, and Holy GhostInexplicably One and Three,As worshiped by the heavenly host,Thy church on earth we worship Thee,Three unconfounded Persons own,One undivided God ...
Have I captured your attention? Chances are this writing hasn't, but the image of the candle at the right and its reflection may have. You may find your eyes drawn to it, and as th...
February 2012
This morning a fellow Christian dipped his thumb in a small dish containing palm ashes mixed with olive oil. He reached out and made the sign of the cross on my forehead with the a...
Rev. Jay Voorhees at his blog, Only Wonder Understands, has posted A Missional Manifesto for the People Called United Methodist. It is a fine document that is a must read for membe...
Love Divine, All Loves Excelling Charles Wesley, 1747 Love divine, all loves excelling, Joy of heaven, to earth come down, Fix in us thy humble dwelling, All thy faithful mercies c...
Christian Formation as Apprenticeship to Jesus Discipleship is the human responses to God and his love for the world revealed in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. ...
January 2012
This post is a companion to the previous one -- The 4 Core Competencies of Christian Congregations (Plus 1 More for Methodist/Missional Congregations). It is meant to be read and u...