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Third Sunday after the Epiphany, Year C - Lectionary Planning Notes
February 02, 2025
Where You Are: Embracing the Familiar Fourth Sunday after the Epiphany, Year C
February 09, 2025
Where You Are: Far Horizons Fifth Sunday after the Epiphany, Year C
Home Blog
April 2014
High Internet Use May Account for 20% of the Decline in Religious Affiliation in the US since 1990. I use the Internet more hours of the day than I do not. Much of this is for my w...
Incarnation: Scandal and Foolishness, or Power and Wisdom? "But we proclaim Messiah crucified, a scandal to Jewish people, foolishness to the goyim, but to those who are called, bo...
John Wesley believed Jesus clearly stated the responsibility that comes with the blessing of his atonement in Luke 9:23 “If any want to become my followers, let them deny themselve...
The Season of Lent is about journeying with Christ to the Cross. Jesus as the Messiah, always knew his outcome in life here. Some would say that from a rational standpoint it was e...
Introduction Big, big words. Especially the second, one, "pneumatology," right? I mean, unless you're into systematic theology, when's the last time you ever used that term? And un...
Older Adulthood is a stereotype. I get that. It is so very hard to explain to those who are not older adults -- seniors come in all different shapes and sizes. This is because we a...
John and Charles Wesley knew the way people came to faith in Christ was through relationships with people who love God and are striving to grow in holiness of heart and life. The e...
The following is part 2 of several posts based upon a paper I presented at the Wesleyan Theological Society annual meeting on March 7. Atonement is central to the gospel of Jesus C...
March 2014
Atonement was to topic explored at the March 7-8, 2014 annual meeting of the Wesleyan Theological Society held at Northwest Nazarene University in Nampa, Idaho. I presented a paper...
A Part of Re-Thinking church from my corner of the world is thinking about what Older Adult Ministries programs will look like once the current crop of Boomers hits their Middle Ag...
Ageism is a form of ignorance. Ignorance by definition is a lack of sufficient knowledge, experience, or learning. In this case Ageism is a lack of knowledge about what other age g...
As we have seen in Part 1 and Part 2 of this series, the findings of the 2013 United Methodist Baptism study show the majority of our US congregations use our established ritual as...
There is a new movie, a documentary about the use of Music with Alzheimers' Patients. It is called Alive Inside. It is really amazing how music is able to reach inside of people's ...
In Part 1 of this study, we looked at how much of our official baptismal ritual United Methodist congregations say they are using on a regular basis. Here, in Part 2, we look at ho...
Background: Baptism and Our Mission Three developments in the past 25 years have profoundly reshaped United Methodist baptismal theology and refocused The United Methodist Church a...
Today millions of Christians around the world have begun a season marked by a more intense time of fasting, prayer, searching the scriptures, participating in public worship, and p...
February 2014
I can't wait until retirement, when I will have time to do all the things I could not get to while working... I heard this alot over the years from those gentle souls who were a fe...
I love to be on the mountaintop.I am definitely not afraid of heights, the Higher the better. It is the climb to the top that is the part, I do not like. Being old is sorta like a ...
Labeling the boomersBeebees, Boomerangs, Contented citizens,Elderbooms, Encore generation,Geriactivists, Keenagers, Midcenturions, People of experience, Primers,Seasoned citizens, ...
Life is an adventure...or so they say. What great adventures have you been on, both real and imaginary? Several years ago, I went on a summer visit to a friend, whose grandchild wa...