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Home Blog
August 2011
This is the third in a series of three articles based on Bible study sessions I lead during the 2011 South Georgia Annual Conference held at Tifton, Georgia in June. This article i...
Bonhoeffer as Martyr In 2008, The General Conference of the United Methodist Church passed a non-disciplinary resolution recognizing Dietrich Bonhoeffer as a "modern day martyr for...
In this brief video Alan Hirsch discusses the church as an organic system. Like all organic systems it must reproduce itself. When it stops reproducing it dies. The task of leaders...
Alan Hirsch teaches that our ecclesiology determines character of mission. He says the church of today is getting the results it was designed for. If we want different results then...
July 2011
And when the strife is fierce, the warfare long,steals on the ear again the distant triumph song,and hearts are brave again, and arms are strong.Alleluia! Alleluia! William W. How,...
Regular readers of this blog will know that my posts are generally more topical than personal in nature. I tend to reflect primarily on issues related to missional Christianity, ea...
When Covenant Discipleship groups write their covenants they are guided by the General Rule of Discipleship: To witness to Jesus Christ in the world and to follow his teachings thr...
This article is a summary of the second of three Bible study session I lead for the South Georgia Annual Conference session at Tifton, Georgia June 7-9, 2011. Bishop James King inv...
The following are several excerpts from John Wesley’s sermon 85: “On Working Out Your Salvation.” The sermon is based on Philippians 2:12-13 “Therefore, my beloved, just as you hav...
Sin. To the immediate right is image 37 that appears in Wikimedia Commons when you do a search on the word "sin." It's from a late 19th century Bible teaching postcard, and is enti...
June 2011
Though the denomination and the country is different, the scene at the right may be a familiar one for many United Methodists. It is from an ordination service in the Maritime Conf...
"Permit an old word to regain its youth by giving it a home in another situation where it can be a novel guest, giving pleasure by its strangeness." - Geoffrey of Vinsauf, Poetria ...
This is the first of three sessions I presented to the South Georgia Annual Conference session on June 7, 8, & 9. I was invited by Bishop James King to serve as Bible study lea...
Final installment of a series of entries from an essay by Dr. Cranson. The full essay may be downloaded here.New Creation and the Renewal of All ThingsN.T. Wright, with much of his...
The Nicene Creed as revolutionary? A creed that got its start because of one imperial order, and was later adopted because of another one? A Creed that seems full of technical lang...
May 2011
Third in a series of entries from an essay by Dr. Heather Josselyn Cranson, Associate Professor of Music and Director of Music Ministries at Northwestern College in Orange, Iowa. T...
It's getting harder, isn't it? With the hoopla over what became the "Rapture Fail" this past weekend, it may be difficult even to confess words Christians have repeated in worship ...
Second in a series of entries from an essay by Dr. Heather Josselyn Cranson, Associate Professor of Music and Director of Music Ministries at Northwestern College in Orange, Iowa. ...
This marks the beginning of a series of entries from an essay by Dr. Heather Josselyn Cranson, Associate Professor of Music and Director of Music Ministries at Northwestern College...
Where Shall My Wondering Soul Begin Written by Charles Wesley soon after his experience of assurance of salvation on Sunday, 21 May, 1738 Where shall my wondering soul begin?How sh...