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Third Sunday after the Epiphany, Year C - Lectionary Planning Notes
February 02, 2025
Where You Are: Embracing the Familiar Fourth Sunday after the Epiphany, Year C
February 09, 2025
Where You Are: Far Horizons Fifth Sunday after the Epiphany, Year C
Home Blog
August 2013
Yesterday, August 21, 2013, marked the failure of the most successful crowdfunding campaign in US history. How can that be? The campaign raised more than $12 million in pledges, ea...
(Part 2 of 2. Part 1 is here) There are (at least) two possible hopeful futures for The UMC in the US. One is to return to generalist status. Another is to capitalize on our specia...
Don't you just hate it when blog posts tell you to go read or look at an entirely different article, and then come back to relate it to the current one? Sometimes I do. Well, this ...
By the Reverend F. Richard Garland The Collect for Purity of Heart, while not used as often today, has been at the heart of Methodist spiritual life for generations. It has been a ...
My colleague at GBOD, Steve Horswill-Johnston, has produced an excellent video that features six of the commissioned provisional members who participated in the October 2012 Wesley...
The Sermons of John Wesley: A Collection for the Christian Journey Edited by Kenneth J. Collins and Jason E. Vickers Abingdon Press, ©2013 ISBN 9781426742316Kenneth Collins and Ja...
July 2013
“By Methodists I mean, a people who profess to pursue (in whatsoever measure...
My parents gave my brothers, sister and I an amazing gift. They moved us into the country side when we were young, then encouraged us to explore and roam the fields and forests. O...
And when the strife is fierce,the warfare long,steals on the earthe distant triumph song,and hearts are brave again,and arms are strong.Alleluia! Alleluia! William W. How, 1864 (UM...
June 2013
Perhaps no article of furniture better reflects Christian public worship spaces than the common pew. Typically 15-25 feet long, made of hardwood, bounded at each end by an upright ...
You are all in my heart as summer moves into full swing and you enter that familiar surge to complete the plethora of preparations necessary to welcome and care for those who are ...
May 2013
278 years ago today, 24 May 1738, John Wesley received an experience that changed his life and ultimately lead to the development of the Methodist movement in Britain, Ireland, and...
Most United Methodists know that John Wesley experienced assurance of his salvation at a Moravian society meeting on May 24, 1738 in a room somewhere on Aldersgate Street in London...
The Love Feast was, for many years, an important part of life in the Methodist societies. John Wesley adapted it from the Moravian Agape Meal. It was an informal time of prayer, si...
A Methodist is a Christian training to love God with all his or her heart, soul, and mind. A Methodist is also a Christian training to love his or her neighbor as himself or hersel...
How does someone become a professing member of The United Methodist Church? The United Methodist Book of Discipline offers a consistent standard for the acts required to become a p...
April 2013
The people of Boston and its suburbs are under lockdown today (Friday, April 19) while police continue a manhunt for one of the suspects in the Boston Marathon bombing this past Mo...
“Let the same mind be in you that was in Christ Jesus … Therefore … work out your own salvation; for it is God who is at work in you, enabling you both to will and to work for his ...
I began this series of posts by telling the story of a Wednesday night church dinner conversation with a young woman who asked, “What’s a Methodist?” In reply I said, “A Methodist ...
March 2013
Christ is risen! He is risen indeed! Charles Wesley wrote several resurrection hymns. The one I have chosen here is from a 1746 collection. Wesley declares that that God's power, w...