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July 2024


Tenth Sunday after Pentecost, Year B

For those who have cycled through Years A, B, and C of the lectionary a time or two, you probably knew this text was coming. For many, it is one of the most uncomfortable texts in ...


August 2024


Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost, Year B

Few stories highlight the power and responsibility of preaching like Nathan’s confrontation with David. This can certainly be a day for pulling back the curtain and speaking direct...


August 2024


Annual Conference 2024 Resources

Discipleship Ministries serves the church to connect leaders with needed resourcing and training that supports intentional discipleship and community engagement.

SCD 2024

With more than two decades of providing exceptional learning and networking experiences for church leaders, nationally and internationally, SCD is set to empower and inspire again!

Discipleship Ministries eLearning

Receive high-quality information that will enrich your faith life! Check out a full list of online course offerings, including some that offer Continuing Education Units.