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February 2025
Sixth Sunday after the Epiphany, Year C - Lectionary Planning Notes
February 23, 2025
Where You Are: Far Horizons Seventh Sunday after the Epiphany, Year C
March 02, 2025
Where You Are: Far Horizons Transfiguration Sunday, Year C
Home Blog
March 2015
Being old is thought of in such negative terms these days in America and something to be avoided at all costs. From Baby Boomers to Millennials to I kids we do not really respect t...
As I flew past my 50th birthday, a few years back I did not think much about it. I did not think of myself as Old, even though at the time I jokingly said, I am getting ready to ce...
The e-Reader launch at Cambine Theological School in Mozambique began with worship, singing, and introductions in the chapel. Then we moved into a large classroom in the same build...
The Publishing Team in the Malawi Provisional Conference of The United Methodist Church was the first team launched by Discipleship Resources International in 2009. The team has re...
After a writing a workshop in 2010, the Mozambique South Annual Conference leadership caught a vision for writing and providing church resources for their church members that were ...
Listening is hard. You might want to argue with that statement. People do because they hear all the time people talking, but listening is more than hearing. They also would like t...
February 2015
It doesn’t take much to put Nashville (Tennessee) residents into a snow panic. Schools close at the prospect of temperatures moving into the teens. Grocery stores are emptied at th...
Earlier this month during a staff meeting we were shown an interesting video entitled "Seeing Red Cars." It was subtitled "Getting More of What You Want." It was produced by Laura ...
“‘And whenever you fast, do not look dismal, like the hypocrites, for they disfigure their faces so as to show others that they are fasting. Truly I tell you, they have received th...
Ashes2Go is an initiative begun a few years ago, largely among Episcopal churches, though some Lutheran, Presbyterians, United Methodists and others whose denominations observe Ash...
Steve Bryant and I traveled to France in order to acquire digital French books for the e-readers being distributed next year to United Methodist seminaries in the Democratic Republ...
The Zimbabwe Episcopal Area publishing team is committed to developing writers. In February 2015 they hosted the second training in eighteen months so that their authors would be w...
“What if I volunteered to be the church custodian?” There is a story behind this question, as you would probably guess. In 1989 I was appointed to start a new United Methodist cong...
January 2015
I’m in Indianapolis and watching the breaking sports story being called “Deflategate.” In case you haven’t been listening, the New England Patriots, who defeated this town’s belove...
In 2011, Journalist and author Candy Chang, decided to help her neighborhood share their wisdom with each other. She created a giant chalkboard where folks could answer everyday q...
As I was preparing for my “Thoughts on Wesleyan Leadership” webinar last week, I discovered that the 2012 General Conference made significant changes to ¶ 220 in The Book of Discip...
The banner on the UMC Stewardship Facebook page is this hand holding dirt and a living plant. That’s extremely appropriate for the stewardship page, but tragically inappropriate fo...
I listen to the Radio when I am driving. I'm not sure why because often I tune out the broadcast as soon as it starts. Yet, some things get through to me, now and then. This week I...
This is the last of six parts from a paper I wrote and presented in August 2013. You will find part 1 here, part 2 here, part 3 here, part 4 here, and part 5 here. Your comments ar...