A French Journey

By Robin Pippin

dri-a-french-journeySteve Bryant and I traveled to France in order to acquire digital French books for the e-readers being distributed next year to United Methodist seminaries in the Democratic Republic of Congo and Côte d’Ivoire. French theological books are not easily found in ebook format or on Amazon.com, so we found it necessary to make the journey to meet with publishers in person, requesting access to specific books.

We met with Joel Short, Editorial Director of Editions Farel, and Alessandra Fra, Rights Manager for L’Harmattan. With each meeting, we seemed to find new information and connections to other people. In spite of the language difference, we found communication relatively easy. Our meetings went well.

We also met with Greg Burgess of Éditions Clé. We stayed the night at a small retreat center called Le Chateau de Saint Albain (http://www.chateaustalbain.com/en/pictures.html) that features a tower built in the twelfth century! Our next stop was Mulhouse, France, to stay in the home of Rev. Daniel Nussbaumer, who drove us to Geneva for our next appointments. Other publishers we plan to meet with include Excelsis and Emmaus.

Please pray for this developing ministry. Here are some of the books we are seeking for the French e-readers:

Nouveau Commentaire Biblique
Nouveau Dictionaire Biblique
Introduction à L’ancien Testament, Gleason
Culte dans la Bible et dans l’histoire
Comment Precher ou l’Art de Communiquer
Mission et culture
Femmes dans l’Eglise
Atlas de la Bible
Cours d’Hebreu Biblique
Théologie du Nouveau Testament
Dieu Trinitaires et ses Attributs
Doctrine de Dieu
Théologie Systématique
Transmettre la Foi
Pastoral Chrétienne
Christ au Coeur de la Prédication
Introduction à la Mission Chrétienne
Femmes dans le Ministère Chrétien
