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Where You Are: Embracing the Familiar Fourth Sunday after the Epiphany, Year C
February 09, 2025
Where You Are: Far Horizons Fifth Sunday after the Epiphany, Year C
Home Blog
September 2010
O Lord, our heavenly Father,almighty and everlasting God,who has safely brought us to the beginning of this day:Defend us in the same with thy mighty power;and grant that this day ...
Continuing our discussion of leadership based on the Historic Examination for Full Connection. This month we look at Questions 10-13: 10. Have you studied our form of Church discip...
Ever had the feeling that your personal prayers were bouncing off the ceiling, if they even got that far? I am sure most of us have at one time or another. There’s a reason for tha...
August 2010
"So I desire that the men pray in every place, raising holy hands without anger and bickering"(I Timothy 2:8)"We do not know how to pray as we should, but the Spirit intercedes [in...
A recent headline in the local paper caught my attention: “Clergy Sacrifice Health for Flock.” The article featured quotes from Nashville area pastors recounting their struggles ba...
"So I urge first of all that supplications, prayers, intercessions [and] thanksgivings be made for all human beings" (I Timothy 2:1, translation mine). As a general statement of go...
Continuing our series on the shape of Wesleyan Leadership found in the Historic Questions:8. Have you studied the doctrines of The United Methodist Church? 9. After full examinatio...
Prayer. Something every religious and many spiritual people do, right? But how do we do it? Does your personal, group or even congregational prayer life look something like this?...
Colleagues, Last weekend's ritual uniting Marc Mezvinsky and Chelsea Clinton in marriage has generated some significant interest in the both the religious and the secular media. Un...
July 2010
As I was flipping through the latest Cokesbury catalog, I came across the newest example of our troubling obsession with being sanitized at every moment of our lives. Behold! The C...
Silence. Quiet. Stillness. Wonder? or Wandering? Destination? or Segué. Home? or Strange land? Essential? Or best avoided? Something in all of us knows it is essential, even if we ...
Companions,In Part I of this mini-series we looked at English translations of the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20) spanning four centuries and the ways in which those translatio...
Companions,This is a still from the one of the videos from Willow Creek's original RevealNow website (courtesy of The Wayback Machine). In this segment, Greg Hawkins is saying, "In...
Colleagues,On Monday, July 12, United Methodist Communications posted the two major research reports given to the Call to Action Committee created by the Council of Bishops and the...
Colleagues, We begin again with the quote from Garret Keizer: "[Sound amplification destroys intimacy] by drowning out conversation, or else it counterfeits intimacy by making phys...
#6. Do you know the General Rules of our Church? #7. Will you keep the General Rules of our Church? Historic questions #5 & #6 ask leaders about their knowledge and adherence t...
"There's one thing I hate, all the noise, noise, noise, noise!" From the television adaptation of Dr. Suess's How the Grinch Stole Christmas. "[Sound amplification destroys intimac...