
Advent 2016 Worship Series Overview

Christmas Day, Year A

In a Service of the Word today, we contemplate the mystery of the Word made flesh and dwelling among us.

Peace - Christmas Day Facebook cover

Resources and Articles


​Offertory Prayer

Great God our Redeemer, we sing your praises. Your glorious love shines in the face of Jesus, born a babe in this dark world. We marvel that he generously humbled himself to bring salvation. How precious is your gift of love! Let the light in our sanctuary and our songs of praise spill through the windows to neighbors dwelling in darkness. May our gifts and offerings reflect the light of Christ and, as beacons in the night, draw people far and near closer to you. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen. (Titus 2)

View all Offertory Prayers for December 2016 »

​Graphics Downloads — Christmas Day

8.5x11 Bulletin Cover - Christmas Day [PDF]

11x17 Bulletin Cover -Christmas Day [PDF]

Facebook Cover Image - Christmas Day [.jpg]

Twitter Banner - Christmas Day [.jpg]

16:9 PowerPoint/Projection Image - Christmas Day [.jpg]

4:3 PowerPoint/Projection Image - Christmas Day [.jpg]

​Graphics Downloads — Advent-Christmas Series

Facebook Cover Image - Advent-Christmas Series [.jpg]

Twitter Banner - Advent-Christmas Series [.jpg]

16:9 PowerPoint/Projection Image - Advent-Christmas Series [.jpg]

4:3 PowerPoint/Projection Image - Advent-Christmas Series [.jpg]