Order of Worship

Holy Week 2017 — Through Death to Life Series Overview

Holy Friday/Good Friday, Year A

Holy Week: Through Death to Life Series On Good Friday, or Holy Friday as it is known in nearly every non-English-speaking culture, we witness the execution of Jesus, recognize our ongoing complicity with the powers of death, and are called to enter the Great Silence of all creation in response to the death of its God and Maker.


Silent Procession

Reading Ezekiel 37:1-2

The Reproaches Book of Worship 363-365


Prayer for Healing
We draw the sword to claim high places for ourselves.
We scourge, mock, and beat you, Jesus.
We prepare a cross for you.
We hang you on it.
We pierce your side with the spear.
We willfully break the fellowship you prayed to be one.
We make scapegoats of people we deem other.
We create or refuse to end malnutrition, contamination of water,
poverty, sickness, inhospitality, and imprisonment.


Jesus, keep us near the cross,
that we may be drawn back to you,
and be healed. Amen.

The people may turn to one another, saying to each:
May Jesus draw you to himself,
and heal you.


“Jesus, Keep Me Near the Cross” United Methodist Hymnal, 301


The Passion of Jesus Christ, according to John Book of Worship, 355-361
The readings are from The United Methodist service of Tenebrae. Candles need not be used in this service. Silence follows all readings. Sung responses follow some readings. A more extended silence follows readings 14 and 16 prior to a sung response.

After Reading 1
“Go to Dark Gethsemane” United Methodist Hymnal, 290 st 1

After Reading 3
“Go to Dark Gethsemane” United Methodist Hymnal, 290, st 2

After Reading 9
“To Mock Your Reign, O Dearest Lord” UMH 285 (all stanzas)

After Reading 10
All may stand as able.
“Ah, Holy Jesus” UMH, 289, st 1-2

After Reading 14
Long Silence
“Go to Dark Gethsemane” United Methodist Hymnal, 290, st 3

After Reading 16
Long Silence
“Were You There” United Methodist Hymnal, 288, st 5


The Lord’s Prayer


The worship leaders may process in silence to the doors.

Deacon or Pastor:
Go in peace.
The people depart in silence.

In This Series...

Passion/Palm Sunday — Planning Notes Holy Thursday/Maundy Thursday — Planning Notes Holy Friday/Good Friday — Planning Notes Easter Sunday — Planning Notes Easter Sunrise — Planning Notes