Is Anything Too Wonderful?

The Path of the Disciple: The Weight of the Call

Third Sunday after Pentecost, Year A

What incredible, almost impossible-to-believe event has happened in your community? What stretched your understanding of God at work in the world? What blew your mind with wonder and joy? Grab hold of that today and celebrate the goodness of God at work in your midst.

Call to Worship

Welcome, you who are called as disciples of Christ! Is anything too wonderful for our God?
Nothing is too wonderful for God who saves us and calls us!

We remember the goodness of God who promised Abraham a multitude of descendants and then showed up at Abraham’s door to announce that the promise would be fulfilled.
Nothing is too wonderful for God who promises and fulfills promises!

We remember the compassion of Jesus who noticed the distress of his neighbors and acted to bring them healing and wholeness.
Nothing is too wonderful for God who heals and restores the distressed!

We remember the invitation the Spirit extends to us to join in God’s work of compassionate community building.
Nothing is too wonderful for God who empowers us to transform strangers into community through active love.

As we worship, may we receive the promise, the compassion, and the invitation to be disciples of Christ who join in God’s work of making disciples for the transformation of our households, our community, and our world.
Because nothing is too wonderful for our God! Amen.

Written by Dr. Lisa Hancock, Discipleship Ministries, December 2022.

Prayers of the People

Ever faithful Lord,
Ever giving Son,
Ever present Spirit,
For the many gifts you grant us
and the opportunity to enjoy these things;
For your daily provision
and for the constant signs of your healing love;
For the hope amidst despair
and the light which always shines;
For all these things,
‘thank you’ is just so inadequate
but it’s all we have:
… to show our gratitude in word, in thought and in action.

So thank you, Lord
and may our thanks move beyond words
to transform us into thankful folk,
faithful folk,
attentive folk,
folk who notice need and notice the need to act,
folk who love to live and live to love,
folk who serve you by serving others.

Help us to be amongst those
who include the excluded
and bring in those who are marginalized,
that when the opportunities come our way
to be healers of division and hurt,
to be peacemakers
and restorers,
we won’t be found wanting.

Loving, personal Father,
We bring before you those people and issues that are closest to us
and that occupy our minds at this time …
Pray silently for personal and local concerns..

Mighty, wonderful Father,
we bring before you people and issues from around our world,
including those we’ll never know personally
but who remain our sisters and brothers in you …
Pray silently for national and global concerns.

Transforming, healing Father,
help us to make the light shine in dark places,
to make peace known in violent places,
and to bring hope to despondent places.
Our prayers, spoken and silent
are brought to you now
in the name of your Son, Jesus,
the healer, includer and redeemer,


Adapted from Rev Iain MacDonald, “Prayers of the People,” posted on the Church of Scotland’s Starters for Sunday website, Reposted at

Prayer of Confession

Our Lord and our God, in the name of Jesus,
we come, today, confessing our sin before you.
It is what it is.

You see it (sin) for what it is.
Forgive us this day we pray.

Like Sarah, God, we’ve doubted you, disbelieving that all things are possible with you.
It is what it is, God.

You see it (sin) for what it is.
Forgive us this day we pray.

Like Sarah, God, we’ve laughed at you,
Thinking that your miracles have little chance of lifting our hopes.
It is what it is, God.

You see it (sin) for what it is.
Forgive us this day, we pray.

Like Sarah, God, we’ve lied to you, O God.
Lied to you, lied to our loved ones, lied to co-workers, church members, and strangers.
Yes, we’ve denied truth, even while we are standing face to face with your truth.
It is what it is, God.

You see it (sin) for what it is.
Forgive us this day, we pray.

And help us to know day after day that nothing is too hard for you, Lord.
Fixing our broken relationships is not too hard.
Finding a good paying job is not too hard.
Filling an empty heart is not too hard, God.
All things are possible for you.
And, we thank you that at this appointed time you forgive us.
It is what it is, but it doesn’t have to stay that way.

Thank you for making a way out of no way.
In Jesus’ name, we pray, Amen.

Written by Joseph W. Daniels, Jr., The African Worship Book Year A (Nashville: Discipleship Resources, 2006), 145-146.


As you go from this place, go together and trust that when we follow the joy of God’s call into the unknown, God will equip us and empower us for the work ahead because nothing is too wonderful for God! Amen.

Written by Dr. Lisa Hancock, Discipleship Ministries, December 2022.

In This Series...

Second Sunday after Pentecost, Year A - Lectionary Planning Notes Third Sunday after Pentecost, Year A - Lectionary Planning Notes