
The Apostle’s Tale — Series Overview

Seventh Sunday After Pentecost, Year A

As we come into the second week of our series, we move from the freedom we have found in Christ to confront our differences head-on, and God’s call to welcome all of God’s children, to dealing with the way things are: the sufferings of the present time.

The Apostle's Tale: GROANING

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​Offertory Prayer

Most Gracious God, you have rescued us from despair and death by the glorious resurrection of Christ your Son. Now you remain with us, empowering us by your Spirit. Turn our hearts in compassion for people who struggle in darkness and danger. We renew our commitment to serve you through our church’s mission outreach. Use our tithes and gifts to kindle the light of the risen Christ in our community and throughout the world. We pray in his name. Amen. (Psalm 86)

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