Order of Worship


“Even So Come” CCLI Song Select #7036288, Verse 1, Chorus 2X
(Transpose to D)
“O Come, O Come, Emmanuel” UMH 211, Stanzas 1-2 (solo stanza 1, all stanza 2)


Gospel Matthew 3:1-12
“Even So Come” Verse 2, Chorus 2x
Sermon "Turn"

Call to Discipleship "Even So Come," Bridge 1
See Planning Notes for more information.

Advent Candle Lighting "Keep Your Lamps Trimmed and Burning"

Other Advent Wreath Song Options:

“O-So-So” The Faith We Sing, 2232
“Come, Lord Jesus, Come”

Prayers of the People Deacon or Lay Intercessor

For the Church and the World BOW 495
Intercessions at Morning Prayer BOW 571
Musical Response: “Even So Come,” Verse 3, then Bridge 2 as response to biddings


Even so, come, all you who love Jesus.
Come, give thanks.
Come, receive him.
Come, get ready.
Turn from sinful ways.
Turn to God.
And make peace with one another.

Confession of Sin

We stop.
We turn.
We wait for you, God.
We’ve sinned.

We’ve relied on our reputations,
or our accomplishments
as cover.
Uncover what we’ve hidden, Lord.

We’ve said we’re sorry,
but then we didn’t change a thing.
Help us truly repent, Lord.

We want to bear good fruit,
to be a church that longs for your coming,
ready for you.
Cleanse our hearts, Holy Spirit.

Silent confession

Hear the good news.
The axe is laid at the foot of the tree.
The winnowing fork is at hand.
God cuts down sin’s power in our lives,
and sweeps away our guilt.
We are forgiven!

We are forgiven! Glory to God!

God has destroyed sin and death in Jesus Christ.
So let us destroy every enmity among us,
and rejoice in Christ’s peace.

The peace of Christ is exchanged. The offering is collected. The table is made ready.

Transitional Song

Options: Refrain from “Angels We Have Heard on High” UMH 238
“Gloria, Gloria” UMH 72

Great Thanksgiving

The Lord be with you.
And also with you.

Lift up your hearts.
We lift them to the Lord.

Let us give thanks to the Lord our God.
It is right to give our thanks and praise.

It is right, and a good and joyful thing
always and everywhere to give thanks to you,
Almighty God, creator of heaven and earth.

From before all time
to the consummation of time
you are the Lord, living and true,
source of life and love
that rings throughout the universe.
Angels adore you,
seraphim laud you,
martyrs praise you,
creatures and people
of every ability, language and land
magnify your name,
and we join their eternal chorus:

Holy Holy Holy
Lord God of power and might,
Heaven and earth are full of your glory!
Hosanna in the highest.
Blessed is Christ who comes in your name.
Hosanna in the highest.

Holy are you, Eternal God,
and blessed is Christ, the Lamb that was slain,
seated at your right hand.

For in him, O God,
you have conquered death,
ravaged hell,
burst the tomb,
broken the chains of evil,
and freed all creation
from its captivity to corruption.
And through him you continue
to make all things new.

So renew in us
by the outpouring of your Spirit
upon us and upon these gifts of bread and wine
that mind which was in Christ Jesus,
who, on the night he was betrayed
took on the form of a servant,
washed the feet of his disciples,
and offered them himself,
bread as his body,
wine as his blood,
and commanded them
to love one another
as he had loved them,
as they and we continue to break the bread
and drink the cup,
remembering our Lord
until he should come again in glory.

Sung to “Even So Come”
Even so, come, Lord Jesus, come.
Even so come, O Spirit, come.

Come, Holy Spirit,
on us and on these gifts.
Come, Holy Spirit,
make them Christ’s body and blood,
and renew us as Christ’s body as we receive them.
Turn us and keep turning us until we are
one with the fullness of God,
one in body, mind, and spirit,
one with each other,
and one in the mission of Christ,
to conquer death,
break every chain,
and renew the whole creation
now and at last at the day of his coming.

All glory and honor and worship and praise
and thanksgiving be to you,
Holy Triune God,
now and forever. Amen.

Lord’s Prayer

Breaking and Serving

Music during Communion

Come, O Redeemer, Come” W&S 3046
“What Feast of Love” W&S 3170
“Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence” UMH 626

Thanksgiving after Communion

Lord Jesus, you have shown us the way,
called us to turn,
and fed us with your body and blood.
Now send us forth
to live your way
in word and deed,
and so help make the world ready
for your final coming. Amen.


“Even So Come” Bridge 2 (2x), Chorus (3x),

Let the Spirit continue to winnow your hearts.
Let Jesus show you the way.
And may the Father’s love for you and all creation burst
into fruit-bearing blossom.

Deacon or Lay Worship Leader:
So keep turning.
And keep going
until the day of Christ’s coming,
when all creation will shout: Amen!

Other recommended hymns for Advent II:
“Toda la Tierra” UMH 210
“Prepare the Way of the Lord” UMH 207
“Down by the Jordan” W&S 3045
“Wild and Lone the Prophet’s Voice” TFWS 2089