Well Pleased

Love Never Ends: Being the Body of Christ

Epiphany/Baptism of the Lord, Year C

Epiphany is about the revealing of the light to the world. Not all see it, of course; this is why Jesus frequently said, “let those who have ears to hear, hear.” Even we have moments where we aren’t so sure that we have seen that light. Yet, we who gather for worship have caught a glimpse of something, and we come to celebrate and to lean into that hope.

This week, we are combining two great festivals or observances in the lectionary year: Epiphany and Baptism of the Lord. Therefore, you can choose which you prefer to emphasize or whether you attempt to give equal weight to both. Epiphany is characterized with images of light, the star that guided the magi, for example, or the candles in the sanctuary. The baptism of Jesus is depicted with images of water and doves descending. If you are considering a renewal or remembrance of baptism, this would be an excellent week to do that.

The mood is one of celebration, of thanksgiving that Jesus stood in solidarity with us and received the waters of baptism. We are reminded of his ongoing presence with us as we walk the discipleship path.

Responsive Litany

(based on Mark 1: 9-11, Luke 3:21-23)

The Father's voice bears witness to the Son.
God has shown himself to us.
The Son bows his head beneath the waters of the Jordan.
God has shown himself to us.
Christ submits to John's baptism and frees us from slavery.
God has shown himself to us.
God's love is seen to the end of the world.
God has shown himself to us.

Posted on the Lutheran Church of Australia’s Sunday by Sunday website. Reposted: https://re-worship.blogspot.com/2011/12/responsive-litany-baptism-of-jesus.html.

General Prayer for the Day

Almighty God, as we consider your omnipotent power, we stand in awe. Called into your presence we can do nothing but join with all your people on earth and cry ‘Glory’ to your Name. You sit enthroned above all you have created, and you bless your people with peace. All praise to you this day and forever.

You have promised your people that you would be with them in every trial of life. Too often we ignore your presence and rely upon our own strength. You count us as precious in your sight, and you have ransomed much for us. We do not act as honored people, and too often dishonor you. You have redeemed us, but we continue in our wayward paths. In your infinite mercy, O God, forgive and restore us to be your precious children.

At the Jordan, your Spirit anointed Jesus for his mission to bring your salvation to all the world. In this day anoint us with that same grace rightly to proclaim your message to those who do not yet believe.

We have named before one another, and we name before you many, whose lives are in our hearts. In your power, give strength to those who are weakened by disease and injury. May your abiding presence comfort those who are alone. By your grace, attend those who are passing through the doorway of death.

Through baptism we are assured of your love and care. Hear now your people as we come to you in trust, for we ask these things in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Timothy J. Crouch, OSL, Nancy B. Parks, OSL, Chris E. Visminas, Mark R. Babb, OSL, And Also With You: Worship Resources Based on the Revised Common Lectionary Year C, (OSL Publications, 1994), 25.


O God of all creation,

You came into the world that we might know love and new life. Pour your Spirit on your church, that it may fulfill Christ’s command to live the gospel everywhere; that the proclamation of the good news might be heard throughout the earth. Reassure us, that we are your beloved people. Defend us against all evil and temptation. Give us grace to bear faithful witness to you. Endue us with love, keep us constant in prayer, empower us for the service of love. Amen.

The Abingdon Women’s Preaching Annual, Series 2, Year C, compiled and edited by Leonora Tubbs Tisdale, (Abingdon, 2000), 47.

Prayer of the Church – Epiphany 1

(inspired by Matthew 3:13-17, Mark 1:9-13, Luke 3:21-22)

In the waters of baptism we were made God’s children
and called to serve one another as we have been served by Christ.
Therefore let us pray for one another and for all people
who will not or cannot pray for themselves.

Dear heavenly Father, we give you thanks and praise that in your mercy you brought us to baptism, and there gave us Jesus’ holiness in exchange for our sin and impurity. Thank you for our parents who brought us up in the faith and to baptism, thank you for those other people whom you used to bring us the gospel, and thank you for our pastors and teachers in the faith.

Lord, in your mercy…hear our prayer.

We pray for the baptised people of God, that we may hang on to your promises in true faith, especially when we experience the wilderness of sin and evil within, and temptations and trials from outside. Strengthen us with your Holy Spirit so that Jesus’ victory may be our victory.

Lord, in your mercy…hear our prayer.

We pray for all people, that the good news of Christ will be proclaimed and heard by all people, and that many will believe and be baptised. To this end, send and support pastors, missionaries, teachers, and lay people able to give truthful and loving witness to Christ.

Lord, in your mercy…hear our prayer.

Have mercy on those in need, those who are struggling because of domestic violence and break-down, those who are suffering from harmful behaviour and hurting relationships. Heal, restore, and renew dear Lord.

Lord, in your mercy…hear our prayer.

We pray for the sick, those who are disabled, those in hospital, those facing death. Show them the light of the gospel, provide helpers and carers and medical resources, and heal both body and soul. Be with those among us who are sick or recovering from surgery, and in particular (insert names), and others whom we name in our hearts… (brief silence)

Lord, in your mercy…hear our prayer.

Heavenly Father, you have shown us your love and salvation in the baptism of your Son. Accept these prayers of your children in the name of Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.

From the Lutheran Church of Australia’s Worship Planning Page. Reposted: https://re-worship.blogspot.com/2011/12/prayers-of-people-january-8-2012.html.

In This Series...

Epiphany/Baptism of the Lord, Year C - Lectionary Planning Notes Second Sunday after the Epiphany, Year C - Lectionary Planning Notes Third Sunday after the Epiphany, Year C - Lectionary Planning Notes Fourth Sunday after the Epiphany, Year C - Lectionary Planning Notes Fifth Sunday after the Epiphany, Year C - Lectionary Planning Notes Sixth Sunday after the Epiphany, Year C - Lectionary Planning Notes Seventh Sunday after the Epiphany, Year C - Lectionary Planning Notes Transfiguration Sunday, Year C - Lectionary Planning Notes


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In This Series...

Epiphany/Baptism of the Lord, Year C - Lectionary Planning Notes Second Sunday after the Epiphany, Year C - Lectionary Planning Notes Third Sunday after the Epiphany, Year C - Lectionary Planning Notes Fourth Sunday after the Epiphany, Year C - Lectionary Planning Notes Fifth Sunday after the Epiphany, Year C - Lectionary Planning Notes Sixth Sunday after the Epiphany, Year C - Lectionary Planning Notes Seventh Sunday after the Epiphany, Year C - Lectionary Planning Notes Transfiguration Sunday, Year C - Lectionary Planning Notes