Articles and Resources
- 21st Century Africana Worship Resources for Ash Wednesday
- Prayers for Ash Wednesday
- Contemporary Service for Ash Wednesday
- Smudges on the Soul: A Meditation for Ash Wednesday
- Making Ash Wednesday Accessible for Children
- Ash Wednesday Reflections: The Acknowledgement of Sin
- A Corporate Prayer of Confession for Ash Wednesday
- Changer: A Prayer Poem for Ash Wednesday
- Ash Wednesday Litany of Reconciliation and Litany Leading to Prayer
- A Service of Worship for Ash Wednesday
- Create in Me a Clean Heart, O God (hymn)
- O God, Be Merciful to Me (hymn)
- Liturgy Man: Why did John Wesley omit Ash Wednesday and Lent? (video)
- Water and Ashes Do Not Mix! (article)
- Women’s History Month (March): Nevertheless She Persisted: Honoring Women Who Fight All Forms of Discrimination Against Women
- UMCOR Sunday/One Great Hour of Sharing (March 31)
- Daylight Saving Time Begins (March 10) – Time Change Song (Spring)
- St. Patrick’s Day (March 17) – St. Patrick’s Day and Celtic Christian Resources
Offertory Prayer
God of grace and mercy, as we begin this holy journey of Lent, we remember that regardless of how many times we have turned away, following the world instead of following you, you still wait with open arms and hopeful heart for us to repent and turn back toward you. We present these gifts as a tangible sign of the desire of our hearts to return to you and of our deep gratitude for your unconditional love and willingness to welcome us home. In the name of our savior, Jesus the Christ, we pray. Amen. (Joel 2:1-2, 12-17)
Graphics Downloads — Ash Wednesday
8.5 x 11 Bulletin Cover (.jpg) — [Color]
11x17 Bulletin Cover (.jpg) — [Color]
Facebook Cover Image - Return to Me (.jpg)
Facebook Promo Image - Return to Me (.jpg)
Twitter Banner - Return to Me (.jpg)
16:9 PowerPoint/Projection Images (.jpg) — [Background]
4:3 PowerPoint/Projection Images (.jpg) — [Background]
Graphics Downloads — With All Your Heart Series
Facebook Cover Image - With All Your Heart Series (.jpg)