The Lord Needs It

Gathered Up in Jesus

Palm/Passion Sunday, Year C

Here we are again. We are on the brink of the remembrance of the central event of our faith. Holy Week and Easter shape our understanding of who we are as followers of Jesus Christ more than any other single event. We are, as others have said, Easter people living in a Good Friday world. We are defined by this sacrifice and by this gift of eternity. And it all begins with Palm Sunday.

The season of Lent this year centers on surrendering ourselves and allowing to be gathered up in Jesus as we journey through these forty days. It’s a time of introspection and reality checks, while we also hope for a future where we will be nurtured and held in the arms of Jesus. Jesus tells us how he wants to gather us up, like a mother hen gathers her brood. He wants us to claim him, to run to him, to be loved and cared for by him. But this is not to avoid the Lenten examination. Rather, it is to be able to endure it. Following are some ideas for music for this series to enhance and complement the readings. It’s a long worship series; and often it helps to have one or two theme songs that you can use in a variety of ways in worship to keep it interesting.


  • The Faith We Sing - TFWS
  • United Methodist Hymnal - UMH
  • Worship and Song - W&S

Theme Song Suggestions:

Service Music Suggestions:

  • “Jesu Tawa Pano” TFWS 2273
  • “On Eagle’s Wings” UMH 143
  • “Jesus, Remember Me” UMH 488

Palm/Passion Sunday - The Lord Needs It

  • “Hosanna, Loud Hosanna” UMH 278
  • “My Song Is Love Unknown” TFWS 2083
  • “What Wondrous Love Is This?” UMH 292
  • “Alas! And Did My Savior Bleed” UMH 294
  • “The Bread of Life for All Is Broken” UMH 633
  • “How Long, O Lord” TFWS 2209
  • “King of Kings” TFWS 2075
  • “The Power of the Cross” W&S 3085
  • ANTHEM: “Ride On, King Jesus”

In This Series...

Ash Wednesday, Year C - Lectionary Planning Notes First Sunday in Lent, Year C - Lectionary Planning Notes Second Sunday in Lent, Year C - Lectionary Planning Notes Third Sunday in Lent, Year C - Lectionary Planning Notes Fourth Sunday in Lent, Year C - Lectionary Planning Notes Fifth Sunday in Lent, Year C - Lectionary Planning Notes Palm/Passion Sunday, Year C - Lectionary Planning Notes Maundy Thursday, Year C - Lectionary Planning Notes Good Friday, Year C - Lectionary Planning Notes