Articles and Resources
- Christ Is Raised, a Living Witness
- 21st Century Africana Worship Resources for Ascension Day (Or Ascension Sunday)
- Prayers for Ascension Day (Or Ascension Sunday)
- Watching and Waiting: Meditation for Ascension Day
- Ride on King Jesus: A Gathering Litany for Ascension Day
- Disturb the City: 21st Century Worship Resources for the Seventh Sunday of Easter, Year C
- Easter Series 2016: A Focus on Our Baptismal Vows and the Book of Acts
Offertory Prayer
God of grace and glory, in the gift of the risen Christ, you long for us to be one in him, unafraid and bold to make your love known, not just in our words, but also in our living. As we bring our gifts to your altar to be dedicated, we bring our lives as well to be dedicated for a ministry that brings unity to the body and compassion and justice to all your children. Give us patience to listen where there is division and vision to see the things that unite us. We pray this in love and in the name of Jesus, who came that we might be as one. Amen. (John 17:20-26)
Graphics Downloads - Seventh Sunday in Easter 2019
8.5 x 11 Bulletin Cover (.jpg) — [Color] [Black & White]
11x17 Bulletin Cover (.jpg) — [Color] [Black & White]
Facebook Cover Image - Embodied (.jpg)
Social Promo Image - Embodied (.jpg)
Twitter Banner - Embodied (.jpg)
16:9 PowerPoint/Projection Images (.jpg) — [Background]
4:3 PowerPoint/Projection Images (.jpg) — [Background]
Graphics Downloads - Loving Series
Facebook Cover Image - Loving Series (.jpg)