And Now Your Reward

After Epiphany: The Great Invitation Worship Series Overview

Seventh Sunday after the Epiphany, Year A

Blessings are a gift of God in God’s kingdom. Rewards are the result of living more fully into the ways of God’s kingdom, or as we might say, “growing in holiness of heart and life.” Jesus reminds us of ways we can stay on or stray from the trail God’s kingdom blazes for us in this life.  


“God’s Children” Aaron Niequist and A New Liturgy
(Teaching video – God’s Children Live at Willow Creek)
“O Fount of Love” Matt Boswell and Matt Papa CCLI# 5760323


“Jesus, United by Thy Grace” UMH 561
“Jesu, Jesu, Fill Us with Your Love” UMH 432

Prayer of Illumination

Readers move into place during this prayer.
We Would See Jesus, st 3, alt. (Unison speaking, instruments in background)
We would see Jesus on the mountain teaching,
with his disciples listening, gathered round,
while birds and flowers and sky above are preaching
the blessedness which simple trust has found.

So open our eyes and our ears
and all our senses,
and shine in our hearts
filled by your love
that we may know your Word
and live your righteousness
and follow where you lead. Amen.

Instrumental music continues in held chords during the reading that follows


Reader 1 (from the lectern):
You have heard that it was said,

Reader 2: (from the back of the worship space)
An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth.

Reader 1: But I say to you,

Do not stand your ground against the evildoer.

Left side:
But if anyone raps you on the right cheek,

Right side:
turn to them also the other one.

Left side:
And to anyone who wants to take you to court
and take away your robe,

Right side:
release also your undergarment.

Left side:
And whoever forces you to walk and carry their load one mile,

Right side:
go with them two.

Give to anyone begging from you,
and if anyone wants to borrow from you
do not turn them away.

Reader 3: (from the Lord’s Table)
And so you shall be perfect, as my heavenly father is perfect.

Reader 1:
You have heard that it was said,

Reader 2:
Love your neighbor,
and hate your enemy.

Reader 1:
But I say to you,

Love your enemies,
and pray for those who are hunting you down.

Reader 3:
Then you’ll be children of your heavenly father,
the One who makes his sun to shine on the wicked and the good
and sends rain upon the just and the unjust.

For if you love those who love you,
what reward do you have?
Don’t the tax collectors do the same thing?
And if you welcome only our own people,
what have you done above anyone else?
Don’t all the people who aren’t our people do the same thing?

So be perfect, as your heavenly father is perfect.

Song of Response (Choir or Ensemble) “Spirit of God, Descend upon My Heart,” st 5 (alt.) — UMH 500

Teach us to cherish enemies with love,
One holy passion filling all our frame;
The kindling of the heav’n-descended dove,
Our hearts the altar, and thy love the flame.

Sermon And Now Your Reward!

Call to Perfection in Love
See planning notes for more details.
Song: “Perfect Us in Love” (Charles Wesley, arr. Taylor Burton-Edwards © 2016 GBOD) Tune: UMH 561 (without refrain) or PERFECT US (Tune: Taylor Burton-Edwards, © 2016 Discipleship Ministries)

Help us to build each other up,
Our little stock improve.
Increase our faith, confirm our hope,
And perfect us in love.

Perfect us in love,
Perfect us in love,
Come, Holy Spirit, dwell in us,
And perfect us in love.

Still let us own our common Lord,
And bear thine easy yoke,
A band of love, a threefold cord,
Which never can be broke.

Perfect us in love,
Perfect us in love,
Come, Holy Spirit, dwell in us,
And perfect us in love.

Grant this, and then from all below
Insensibly remove:
Our souls the change shall scarcely know,
Made perfect first in love.

Perfect us in love,
Perfect us in love,
Come, Holy Spirit, dwell in us,
And perfect us in love.

Yet, when the fullest joy is given,
The same delight we prove,

In earth, in paradise, in heaven,
Our all in all is love.

Perfect us in love,
Perfect us in love,
Come, Holy Spirit, dwell in us,
And perfect us in love.

Prayers of the People

Filled with the Spirit’s love and power, let us pray to our God:
O God, let your rains fall!

With the just and the unjust, those who seek to build peace, (including our President, Name, and all past presidents of our nation), and those who tear it down:
The leader or congregation may name persons silently or aloud
O God, let your rains fall.

With the wicked and the good, those who waste their lives, and those who invest their lives wisely:
The leader or congregation may name people silently or aloud
O God, let your rains fall.

With our enemies and our friends, those who seek to harm us, and those who build us up:
The leader or congregation may name persons silently or aloud
O God, let your rains fall.

With the cruel and the kind, those who delight to harm others, and those who seek their welfare:
The leader or congregation may name persons silently or aloud
O God, let your rains fall.

With the fearful and the courageous, those who shrink from needed action, and those who take it:
The leader or congregation may name persons silently or aloud
O God, let your rains fall.

With outcasts and those who cast them out, those who need mercy and those who deny it:
The leader or congregation may name persons silently or aloud
O God, let your rains fall.

With those who give and those who hoard for themselves, those who share and those who steal:
The leader or congregation may name persons silently or aloud
O God, let your rains fall.

With those who conserve and those who pillage the earth, those who sustain life and those whose actions threaten life for all:
The leader or congregation may name persons silently or aloud
O God, let your rains fall.

With all who need and give your healing grace to others, and with those who make the lives of others miserable, those who weep now, and those who laugh at them:
The leader or congregation may name persons silently or aloud
O God, let your rains fall.

With all who run, or walk, or sit, or lie down, or move no more, the newborn, the living, the dying, and the dead:
The leader or congregation may name persons silently or aloud
O God, let your rains fall.

With all of us, sinners in your sight:
The people may confess their sins in silence.


New every morning are God’s mercies.
Abundant is God’s grace.
Perfect is God’s love for us, one and all.
In the name of Jesus Christ, you are forgiven.

People: In the name of Jesus Christ, you are forgiven.
All: Glory to God! Amen!

Pastor: The peace of Christ be always with you.
People: And also with you.
The people exchange the peace of Christ.
The offering is collected.

Offertory Music You Are Holy (“Eres Santo”) Per Harling (Global Praise 3, 40 or Glory to God, 596)
“I Thank You, Jesus” (Africana Hymnal, 4079)
If Holy Communion is celebrated, use the Great Thanksgiving and Prayer of Thanksgiving after Communion from Word and Table I.


Song of Sending “We Would See Jesus”

Deacon or Pastor:
Love is the way.
Love for all, everywhere, always.
God is love.

So go forth in the love of God,
with the blessing of Jesus,
and the strength of the Spirit,
and be made perfect in love.

Reprise of “You are Holy” or “I Thank You Jesus”

In This Series...

The Heavens are Opened — Planning Notes Come and See — Planning Notes Follow Me — Planning Notes #Blessed— Planning Notes Salt and Light and Righteousness Abounding — Planning Notes This, Not That — Planning Notes And Now Your Reward — Planning Notes Shine! — Planning Notes