Our Membership Vows in The United Methodist Church

Dr. Mark W. Stamm, Professor of Christian Worship at Perkins School of Theology in Dallas, Texas, has updated his pamphlet on Our Membership Vows to reflect the changes made at the 2008 General Conference. (A Revised Order of the ritual reflecting these changes is available here.)
This pamphlet is great for use with membership classes, confirmation classes, as a resource for preaching and teaching on membership, and as part of more general church studies on the meaning of membership in The United Methodist Church. It is available here as a PDF download.
- DOWNLOAD Our Membership Vows in The United Methodist Church [PDF]
- DOWNLOAD Nos Vœux de Membres dans l’Eglise Methodiste Unie (French) [PDF]
- DOWNLOAD 연합감리교회 교인서약 (Korean) [PDF]
- DOWNLOAD 我們的 聯合衛理公會 教會會員 誓約 (Chinese) [PDF]
- DOWNLOAD Итгэгчийн Андгай Тангараг (Mongolian) [PDF]
- DOWNLOADសម្បត់ ចូលជាសមាជិក ក្នុងក្រុមជំនុំ យូណៃធីតមេថូឌីស្ទ (Khmer) [PDF]
- DOWNLOAD Nuestros Votos de Membresía en la Iglesia Metodista Unida (Spanish) [PDF]
We are thrilled to offer these downloadable versions free of charge. If you prefer a print or e-reader edition of this resource, please visit the Discipleship Resources bookstore to purchase Our Membership Vows »
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