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Race & Ethnicity
Equipping World-Changing Disciples
February 2025
Sixth Sunday after the Epiphany, Year C - Lectionary Planning Notes
February 22, 2025
Where You Are: Far Horizons Seventh Sunday after the Epiphany, Year C
March 01, 2025
Where You Are: Far Horizons Transfiguration Sunday, Year C
Home Calendar List
March 2020
Happy isn’t a mood we associate with the season of Lent. Lent seems to call for something a little more somber, reflective, and inward looking. Certainly, the Lenten journey calls ...
Churches Planting Churches is offering two training summits for teams of four from local churches wanting to plant or to improve their multisite systems. In each case we are partne...
It’s only week two in Lent; there’s a long road ahead of us. Yet, if we’re not careful, we can begin to stop paying attention....
Older Adult webinar led by Michelle Barclay....
Worship is not just, or even primarily, a head thing. It is a whole body thing; we pour ourselves out in worship. We enter the worship space and nothing else matters but the commun...
For all of its negative impacts, the Coronavirus has created an unprecedented opportunity for churches of all sizes to strengthen their long-term annual giving by taking steps toda...
We are living in unprecedented times. The recommendations for social distancing and even self-quarantine threaten to raise our collective anxiety levels and keep us from experienci...
UMCOR Sunday (fourth Sunday in Lent). Previously known as One Great Hour Of Sharing, this Sunday enables the United Methodist Committee on Relief to reach out through worldwide min...
Special Sundays
Of all the songs in the hymn book of the people of God, the 23rd Psalm is probably the most beloved. It is almost impossible to read these six verses without hearing a favorite ver...
Psalm 130 provides a proper ending to the series and an anticipation of what is to come. The psalm is a cry from the depths of pain or despair. And there is no clear resolution, no...