August 2024


The Weight of the Word

Worship with Rejoicing

Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost, Year B

Few stories highlight the power and responsibility of preaching like Nathan’s confrontation with David. This can certainly be a day for pulling back the curtain and speaking directly with the congregation about preaching.

Week 5: Speaking Truth

Ephesians 4:25-5:2

Fellowship – Snacks or a Meal (10 minutes with snacks; longer, obviously, if there is a meal)

Gathering Time (5-10 minutes). In pairs or groups of three, have participants talk about a time when someone was willing to share a hard or difficult truth with them. From whom did this come? How did participants receive these truths?

Group Dialogue (Approximately 30 minutes)

Read: Ephesians 4:25-5:2

  • In the age of information, misinformation, and disinformation, what might Paul be advising us today as those who put away falsehoods (v. 25)?
  • How easy or hard is it for you to share a difficult or hard truth to someone else? Why is that the case for you?
  • Of the admonitions that Paul gives in verses 26-32, which do you find to be the hardest? Why is that the case for you?
  • How might all of these contribute to a community of believers that imitates God?
  • How might the church be thought of differently by the community around the church if we were intentional about having the kind of community with attributes described in this passage?
  • What might it look like for you to live more consciously of being an imitator of God?

Prayer (10 minutes). Share prayer requests and respond appropriately.

Sending Forth (2 minutes). End by praying the following or a similar prayer:

Almighty God, you call us to a seemingly impossible way of life – to be imitators of you. As imperfectly as we might do so, empower us as individuals and as congregations toward embodying the beautiful community you call us to be so that others might be attracted by your love. Amen.

In This Series...

Seventh Sunday after Pentecost, Year B - Lectionary Planning Notes Eighth Sunday after Pentecost, Year B - Lectionary Planning Notes Ninth Sunday after Pentecost, Year B - Lectionary Planning Notes Tenth Sunday after Pentecost, Year B - Lectionary Planning Notes Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost, Year B - Lectionary Planning Notes Twelfth Sunday after Pentecost, Year B - Lectionary Planning Notes Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost, Year B - Lectionary Planning Notes


  • Green

In This Series...

Seventh Sunday after Pentecost, Year B - Lectionary Planning Notes Eighth Sunday after Pentecost, Year B - Lectionary Planning Notes Ninth Sunday after Pentecost, Year B - Lectionary Planning Notes Tenth Sunday after Pentecost, Year B - Lectionary Planning Notes Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost, Year B - Lectionary Planning Notes Twelfth Sunday after Pentecost, Year B - Lectionary Planning Notes Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost, Year B - Lectionary Planning Notes