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Race & Ethnicity
Equipping World-Changing Disciples
February 2025
Sixth Sunday after the Epiphany, Year C - Lectionary Planning Notes
February 23, 2025
Where You Are: Far Horizons Seventh Sunday after the Epiphany, Year C
March 02, 2025
Where You Are: Far Horizons Transfiguration Sunday, Year C
Home Blog
January 2017
Français: Bulletin DRI Janvier 2017Português: Boletim informativo de Recursos do Discipolado Internacional Janeiro de 2017Dear DRI friends, On behalf of the Discipleship Resources ...
Story by: Cindy Solomon Each Christmas, Belmont United Methodist Church (Nashville) collects a Christmas Miracle Offering that is used for missions and ministries worldwide. In 201...
Our brains shape and reshape themselves in ways that depend on what we use them for throughout our lives. Learning stories is an example of how experiences contribute to each perso...
The first act of God we read about in the Bible is creation, so it's a "natural" starting point. But for some it's hard to reconcile the story of creation from Genesis with what we...
Rev. Matthew Johnson, leader of the Ignite Movement in Morgantown, West Virginia is launching a new ministry podcast series called "The Faith Option". In Matt's own words this podc...
Rev. Junius Dotson has successfully planted 2 congregations and now serves as the General Secretary for Discipleship Ministries. He remains a strong advocate for starting new churc...
Part of the “Things That Were Not a Thing Like 10 Years Ago” Series By Carl Gladstone I was the child of a youth worker in the 1990s. So, when it came time to get the word out abou...
December 2016
QUESTION: Why do we break the bread where we do in The Great Thanksgiving?...
The Psalmist says,...
Christmas means joy, peace, and love. Scripture tells us the birth of Jesus is Immanuel, “God is with us.” Charles Wesley describes what this means in his great hymn, “Glory to God...
Are we too dependent on curriculum? What exactly is a curriculum anyway? Scott and Steve explore these and other issues related to disciple making and curriculum. Scott interviews ...
The Rev. Junius B. Dotson will be sharing 3 Ways to Connect with Your Community at Christmas. 3 Ways to Connect with Your Community at Christmas Join us LIVE as the Rev. Junius B....
I recently traveled to Maputo, Mozambique, for a first-ever gathering of persons from some of the E-reader Project schools to consider establishing hubs of e-reader operations in A...
In the mid 1990’s, when publishing houses were still “courting” public school teachers with parties at restaurants, big giveaways, and beautiful bells and whistles just for looking...
The trouble with small groups today is they are focused on curriculum, study, and discussion. Curricula produced for small groups assumes that study and discussion forms people as ...
Small group ministry is messy! Dealing with the administration and logistics gets tricky. Scott and Steve interview Mark Youngman, one of the pastors at Providence United Methodist...
My friend, Jeremy and his wife looked over at their toddler with a figure of the Baby Jesus in his mouth, and they thought, "Is this okay? Is it okay for our child to have the Baby...
November 2016
The Publishing Team of the Liberia Annual Conference, The United Methodist Church in November 10-12, 2016 hosted its 4th Writers' Training Seminar at Camp Lawana on the ELWA Compou...
A few weeks ago, my cousin's 4-year-old was in the hospital with pneumonia. He recovered after several requests leave the hospital, looking over at his mom one night and saying, "M...
How does our theology provide support and structure for small group ministry? Building on episode 1 (Biblical basis for small groups), Scott and Steve take a deep dive into how Wes...