AAUMTI Anglophone Writers' Workshop

By Stephen Bryant


During the review and evaluation of the third annual Anglophone Writers’ Workshop of the African Association of United Methodist Theological Institutions (AAUMTI) participants named the gifts of their week together.

They appreciated the honesty in each other’s writing.

They were dedicated to hours of writing, and desire even more time to write next year.

They found space to express their innermost fears about writing and ministry and learned that writing can console those same fears.

They learned that all participants are teachers.

They saw a higher purpose in the call to writing and now believe they are writers and are encouraged to continue.

The entire workshop was marked by a supportive and caring community. Rev. Michael Sskedani (Uganda) captured the warmth of community referencing Proverbs 11: 14 (CEB),

“Without guidance, a people will fall, but there is victory with many counselors.”

Indeed, this was a week of victory because the community gathered to produce and support one another. At the end of the workshop, the group celebrated four published devotions and articles, 4 books and articles pending publication this year, and seven additional manuscripts in process.
