Worship Matters: Episode 62 – Wesleyan Theology and Hymns with ST Kimbrough
By Cynthia Wilson
The Worship Team spoke with Rev. Dr. ST Kimbrough about his new book with Dean McIntyre titled: A Theology of the Sacraments Interpreted by John and Charles Wesley: Including Hymns for Baptism and Holy Communion with Commentary and New Musical Settings. Focused on the Wesleyan Theology of the sacraments, this book introduces Wesley hymns on baptism and communion. Dr. Kimbrough suggests that in an era of institutional struggle, turning to the Wesleys, who declare that our unity is in our theology of the sacraments might be a way through back to a sense of oneness. Kimbrough and McIntyre worked hard to invite composers from a variety of backgrounds to compose new settings for these hymns. The book is available from the publisher, WIPF and Stock Publishers, or on Amazon.
“Worship Matters” is a podcast from the worship team of Discipleship Ministries, designed to deal with the intricacies of planning worship each week. Hosted by Dr. Cynthia Wilson, Executive Director of Worship Ministries and the Director of Liturgical Ministries; Dr. Diana Sanchez-Bushong, Director of Music Ministries; and Dr. Derek Weber, Director of Preaching Ministries, this podcast explores how to plan worship using the common lectionary while creating worship experiences and series that are engaging, relevant, and adaptable for any church setting.
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