Resources for Responding to COVID-19 Outbreak

The Coronavirus pandemic has impacted nearly every aspect of daily life for people across the globe. Phrases like "social distancing" have become commonplace. In the U.S., most schools and universities have closed; many businesses have temporarily shut their doors or will open for limited hours; and the CDC has recommended large gatherings should not take place at this time.
Local churches are also attempting to respond in appropriate ways, but many congregations have questions. The resources included below can assist your church as it seeks answers about this new reality.
Check back frequently for updates to this page.
Latest Resources
Posted: Tuesday, January 19, 2021 | 4:10 p.m. CST
As COVID-19 cases continue to soar, churches are left with the task of re-envisioning these liturgical markers while keeping faithful to their importance and meaning in the community of faith. Click to read some suggested considerations for your preparations for Ash Wednesday.
Prayers for a Time of Pandemic
Posted: Monday, December 7, 2020 | 2:20 p.m. CST
We still need prayers. We still need words to say that give voice to our confusion, to our lament, and to our hope. Dr. Safiyah Fosua has been shepherding the Africana Worship project for more than twenty years, and she is still as excited about giving these writers and preachers a voice. Here we present these prayers as opportunities for individuals and church communities to speak to this moment, to pray together in hope.
Called to Witness, Care, and Act: A Message for Laity in the UMC
Posted: August 25, 2020 | 9 a.m. CDT
This is an extraordinary time in the history of our church and world. As Conference Lay Leaders we gathered in February optimistically anticipating a future guided by vision and filled with action. We returned home to face a modern pandemic that has cancelled local, conference, and denomination-wide activities.
7 Ways to Connect with Your Community with Low – or No – Broadband Access
Posted: August 10, 2020 | 4 p.m. CDT
Have you found yourself facing the challenge of connecting with some in your congregation who cannot connect online for various reasons? Are you finding it a challenge to connect with your congregation or parts of it? Many local churches and leaders are experiencing similar challenges.
Worship Matters Episode 21 - Time to Reopen?
Posted: July 13, 2020 | 11:38 a.m. CDT
Time to reopen? This week’s podcast is a conversation between Dr. Diana Sanchez-Bushong, Director or Music Ministries, and Dr. Derek Weber, Director of Preaching Ministries, around all the issues of reopening churches.
Music and Singing in Church: Recommendations According to Phased Reopenings
Posted: June 12, 2020 | 10:21 a.m. CDT
During this “singing quarantine,” it is important to think about and remind ourselves why we sing. Included are some key questions we should all be asking before moving on to the “how” or “what” questions.

On Mission During the Storm
Posted: June 1, 2020 | 1:50 p.m. CDT
So much has changed in the last several weeks, but the one thing that hasn’t changed is our common mission. Our church and team – laity and clergy – have been formed around the idea that people who feel disconnected from God and the church can find hope, healing, and wholeness in Jesus.

Discipleship and Church Life in the Time of COVID-19: Responses from Africa, Europe, and the Philippines
Posted: May 14, 2020 | 2:19 p.m. CDT
Mighty Rasing recently connected with several leaders from the Central Conferences to ask about the ways that they are dealing with the impact of this pandemic.
Using Spiritual Gifts Assessment Tools to Get Ready for a New Way of Doing Church
Posted: May 13, 2020 | 2:25 p.m. CDT
While people are sheltering at home, it’s a great time to have them assess their spiritual gifts.
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