Home Equipping Leaders Adults Prayer Partner Project Returns Fall 2024

Prayer Partner Project Returns Fall 2024

By Motoe Yamada Foor

Prayer Partner Project Article

The Prayer Partner Project returns this fall, offering an opportunity for spiritual growth and connection through prayer. Last year, we were blessed with 670 participants, and we're excited to see how our community grows this year. We're especially encouraging parents, grandparents, aunts, and uncles to invite young people to be their prayer partners, fostering intergenerational spiritual bonds.

Do you pray? How often do you pray? Do you want to grow as a follower of Jesus Christ? Do you want to have someone you can trust and with whom you can share? If you answered "yes" to any of these questions, sign up for the Prayer Partner Project! You can register as an individual, or as your church or church group, such as United Women in Faith, a Bible study group, or a craft team. You'll choose a prayer partner (a friend, co-worker, family member, or neighbor within or outside the church). You and your prayer partner will decide how often to communicate and pray for each other.

In these challenging times, it's crucial to return to the fundamentals of discipleship. Jesus often sought solitude for prayer, as we see in Matthew 14:23a (NRSV): "And after he had dismissed the crowds, he went up the mountain by himself to pray." This essential spiritual practice of discipleship will bring you closer to Christ as you encounter God's grace in prayer.

Registration is open until September 14, and you can begin the prayer project at any time. Participants will receive an initial instructional email in early September. Once the project starts, you'll receive a biweekly Prayer Toolbox email containing prayer partner questions, activities, book recommendations, and links to helpful videos.

If you participated last year, you do not need to sign up again. You are automatically registered unless you choose to unsubscribe. This year's Prayer Toolbox emails will feature resources similar to last year’s, with some new additions. Participants from the previous year can choose to continue with their existing prayer partner or find a new one.

By participating in this project, you will have the opportunity to deepen your faith, strengthen your prayer life, and build meaningful connections with others in your spiritual community.

Testimonies from 2023 participants:

“I cannot tell you in enough words just how much this project has meant to me. Me and my Prayer partner are like sisters and I feel like this has drawn us closer, not just in prayer but in our Christian relationship as well. I look forward to seeing more programs like this in the future.”

“I was immensely blessed by his prayers for me and my family. This reciprocal exchange of care and spiritual support epitomized the true essence of Christian fellowship. This project has not only fortified my personal faith but has also broadened my understanding of the global Christian community. I am eager to continue this path of prayer and look forward to participating in future projects of similar nature.”

What you may gain through the Prayer Partner Project:

  • Trust in Jesus!
  • Learning different ways to pray.
  • Growth as a disciple of Jesus.
  • Greater awareness of the power of prayer.
  • Praying more often.
  • The opportunity to invite someone to pray for you.

Your next steps:

  • Pick your prayer partner!
  • Register online to receive the prayer tool kit for you and your prayer partner. (Register here.)
  • Decide how often you and your partner will pray for each other.
  • Decide how often you and your partner will communicate. (Will you get together in person or by phone, email, or text?)
  • Join our Facebook group to receive resources and share your stories.
  • Sign up to receive daily devotions such as The Upper Room Daily Devotion, Sight Psalms, or New Every Morning. (See below to sign up.)
  • Encourage others to join the Prayer Partner Project.

Activities that prayer partners can do together:

  • Share prayer requests with your prayer partner.
  • Pray the Lord’s Prayer at the same time every day. (Set your alarm for a specific time; when it goes off, pray the Lord’s Prayer, then pray for each other.)
  • Decide how often to pray for each other, perhaps once a day after waking or before bed.
  • Read one of the daily devotions (see below) and share your thoughts (or one word) by texting, calling, or emailing.
  • Get together before/after weekly worship to share prayers at a coffee shop or on a walk together.
  • Ask questions from the prayer toolbox. (It will be emailed to you biweekly after mid-September.)
  • Read books on prayer together. (You will receive an email with suggested prayer books.)


You may register online until early September. On September 15, we will start the Prayer Partner Project together. (You will receive an email.) If you are doing this as a local church or a group (United Women in Faith, Bible study, and so forth), this may be an excellent time to gather people so prayer partners can meet and decide how often they will communicate. After the project concludes, you can have a special worship service to celebrate with testimonies.

After completion of the project:

  • A digital certificate
  • Resources for you to continue growing (Walk to Emmaus, webinars, and so forth)
  • Free PDF booklets on spirituality
  • Discount code for Cokesbury to buy more books to explore

Additional Resources:

Click here if you wish to read The Upper Room Daily Devotion.

The Upper Room Sight Psalms is a daily, online photo inspiration intended to help people reflect on God’s presence in the world and in their lives. Each day, a new photograph is posted to evoke reflection and inspiration within themes connected to the Christian year, and it is usually accompanied by a few words. Click here for more information.

The Upper Room: New Every Morning is your love, great God of light, and all day long, you are working for good in the world. Stir up in us a desire to serve you, to live peacefully with our neighbors and all your creation, and to devote each day to your Son, our Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen. Click here for more information.

Everyday Sanctuary is a satisfying spiritual practice in five minutes or less, wherever you are. Click here for more information.

Rev. Motoe Yamada Foor, Director of Adult Discipleship, served in local churches for twenty years. She has a wealth of experience at a variety of organizational levels of The United Methodist Church as well as in ecumenical organizations such as the World Council of Churches (WCC). She also enjoys serving as a coach to help people and churches grow.

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