Watch the Worldwide Virtual Christmas Choir Videos

You’ve seen the videos of choirs and studio singers coming together (digitally) to sing uplifting songs and hymns, creating works of art that in times like these are needed and incredibly inspiring.
We’ve created two amazing versions for you to enjoy.
Watch as hundreds of United Methodist come together with unified voices to celebrate the birth of Christ our Savior.
Please feel free to download the videos below to use in your Christmas Celebration services. Don’t forget to share and post them to social media!
Christmas Medley
Silent Night
The Christmas Medley is a collection of well-known Christmas carols which can be used for the Fourth Sunday of Advent, Christmas Eve, or the First Sunday after Christmas. This medley includes four carols beginning with “Hark the Herald Angels Sing” by Charles Wesley. The second carol is the beloved spiritual “Amen,” which includes choir and soloist Nowell Felder. This is followed by “The First Noel,” and the medley concludes with two verses of “Joy to the World.” This arrangement by Rev. Jared Wilson, from Madison Street UMC in Clarksville, Tennessee, incorporates organ, piano, violin and handbells.
“Silent Night” is best suited for your Christmas Eve service. In this version, the first verse is sung in English, German, and Spanish. Also included are two verses that are intentionally left with no words so that singers can sing in their own language, meditate on a favorite verse, or take part in a time of lighting candles in preparation for the final verse. The guitarist is songwriter and educator Tim Bushong. String players from the Huntsville Youth Orchestra include Kaitlyn McLaughlin, Brooke Lafontant, Abigail McNeese, and Jamie Clark. The string arrangement was written by their music director Joseph Lee.
We wish you a blessed Christmas filled with the light and love of Emmanuel, God with us!
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