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3 Ways an Assessment Can Be Transformative

By Marcelo Gomes

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Church planting is a challenging and rewarding endeavor that requires creativity, imagination, and innovation. As church planters, we are called to bring the good news to new frontiers, create new worship experiences, and connect with people outside the institutional church. However, without a robust assessment process, most church planters struggle to develop their full potential and fall into the trap of repeating traditional models of ministry. In this article, we will explore how assessment processes can ignite imagination and creativity in church planters and help them develop innovative approaches to ministry.

1. Igniting Imagination

Assessment processes challenge church planters to reflect on their strengths, weaknesses, and ministry styles. The feedback received through assessments can help planters see their blind spots and opportunities for growth. This reflection opens possibilities for novel approaches to ministry. Church planters can begin to see themselves as innovators rather than caretakers of the traditional church models.

2. Identifying Gifts and Skills

Assessment processes often include interviews and conversations with developers, coaches, and other professionals in leadership positions. These interviews and coaching sessions can provide valuable insights into the challenges and opportunities in a region or community. By listening to diverse perspectives and discussing the issues, church planters can gain a better understanding of their ministry context and develop creative solutions to address the needs of the community. Group assessments are powerful tools that can ignite imagination and creativity. During group assessments, church planters participate in activities that challenge them to collaborate with others, solve problems, and think creatively. These activities can help church planters develop their leadership and team-building skills. They can also inspire new ideas and innovative ways of doing ministry.

3. Unleashing Creativity

Assessment processes also provide church planters with a strategic approach to ministry development. By identifying their strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities, church planters can develop a strategic plan that aligns with their vision for ministry. This plan can provide direction that helps focus their efforts. With a clear vision and strategy, church planters can move forward with confidence and creativity, knowing that they are making an impact in their community. Assessments can be transformative for church planters. By participating in interviews and group assessments and by reflecting on their ministry styles, church planters gain insights, develop leadership skills, and create innovative approaches to ministry. Through assessments, church planters can see themselves as innovators. By developing a strategic plan that aligns with their vision for ministry, church planters can move forward to make an impact in their community.

Let's talk about Path 1 assessment tools and resources for your conference and those developing new communities of faith. You can reach out to me at [email protected].

Dr. Marcelo Gomes is the Director of Training & Church Planting Systems with Path 1 at Discipleship Ministries.

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