In Sorrow and in Rejoicing

Open Your Heart

Fifth Sunday after Pentecost, Year B

As we enter this three-week stretch focusing on Paul’s second letter to the church in Corinth, we also focus on what I think is one of the key questions of Ordinary Time; namely, how do we live our faith day after day after day?

We conclude this first after-Pentecost series with an acknowledgement that all that we’ve received is not for ourselves alone. We are called to share, to give, to lean into the transformation of the world as part of our mission. It’s not enough that we are made into disciples; it’s not enough that we are caring for our own souls. We are called to be in service to a hurting world. From the beginning of the faith, we are called to give what we have. At the same time, this might be a service appropriate for healing of various kinds. With the stories in the Gospel text, an anointing station could be set up or a place to ask for prayers of healing, for ourselves or our world.

I See You

For Mark 5:21-43

I see you.
I see you, and seeing the tears welling up from your soul births tears in my eyes.
I see you, and I feel your pain.
I see you
fighting to be seen,
to not be erased,
to be given what you deserve;
and now I can continue to fight for the same.

Ashley Johnson, Pentecost Liturgical Resources from Africana Writers 1, edited by Safiya Fosua, 2020.

Contemporary Call to Worship

(inspired by Mark 5:21-43)

With friends and strangers,
with family and neighbors, we gather:
Come among us, Healing God,
with that love which never ends.

With faith reaching out to touch,
with hearts straining to trust, we hope:
Come among us, Friend of the broken,
with your compassion which makes us whole.

With word and wonder,
with silence and song, we wait:
Come among us, Dryer of our tears,
to lift us to our feet to follow you.

Written by Thom Shuman, and posted on Lectionary Liturgies. Reposted:

We Are Slow to See the Blood

(Based on Mark 5:21-43)

Merciful God, we are slow to see the blood around our feet. We get self-absorbed, or we deny our own power to act and to be of service. We forget we are made whole by a wounded healer. Forgive us, we pray. Free us to use power rightly and to serve you joyfully, through Jesus Christ, our Savior. Amen.

Valerie Bridgeman Davis, The Africana Worship Book, For Year B, Valerie Bridgeman Davis, PhD and Safiyah Fosua, eds., (Discipleship Resources, 2007), 156.


From fears that paralyze us;
Heal us, O Lord.

From illness that strangles us;
Heal us, O Lord.
From sorrows that weigh us down;
Heal us, O Lord.

From aimlessness that plagues our visions;
Heal us, O Lord.

Written by Katherine Hawker, and posted on Liturgy Outside. Reposted:


of ragged hopes
and tattered ideals;

of faint faith
and fractured creeds;

of listless lives
and limping love;

At evening,
before the sun is set,
lay your hands on us.

Written by Bruce Prewer, and posted on Bruce Prewer’s Prayers for the 21st Century page. Reposted:

Prayer for Healing

O Lord, you are indeed the healer of all our ills. We bring to you, Lord, our bodies, minds and spirits hurting and broken by the violence, ills, trauma and cares of a world separated from you. Come to us now with your healing powers.

O God, we ask that you heal us. Give us the strength, health, wisdom and knowledge found only through you. Send your life-giving Spirit so that we may live our lives with courage in the profound peace of your love. Come to us now with your healing powers.

Breathe on me, O God, and make me whole.

O God, we ask that you sustain those who seek to alleviate the pain and suffering of this world. Give strength, courage, wisdom and knowledge to all doctors and orderlies, nurses and clerks, psychiatrists, researchers, and all other medical care givers, volunteers and professionals. Send your life-giving Spirit so that their ministries may bring healing and promote health. Come to us now with your healing powers.

Breathe on me, O God, and make me whole.

Be also with those who work to heal the wounds of societies and nations. Guide, protect and strengthen our lawyers and police, chaplains and pastors, healthcare and social workers, politicians, military, diplomats and all others who work for economic and social reform. Send your life-giving Spirit that they may promote your love and grace, bringing healing to those in conflict and stability to those who are vulnerable. Come to us now with your healing powers.

Breathe on me, O God, and make me whole.

God so loved this world and this people that God sent Christ to suffer and die for us. Accept now that gift. Know that you are forgiven, reconciled, accepted and loved.

Breathe on me, O God, and make me whole.

Copyright Lisa Frenz. All Rights Reserved. Used with permission Posted on Reposted:

Commission & Benediction

(2 Corinthians 8:7-15)

Go out, among the outcast and the grieving,
and speak the word of life and hope.
Do not fear, but trust in God’s word.
Watch for the Lord with eager expectation,
and be generous with all God has given you.

And may God respond to your every cry with mercy;
May Christ Jesus take you by the hand and lift you to life;
and may the Holy Spirit build you up in faith, in speech, knowledge, in passion and in love.
We go in peace to love and serve the Lord,
........In the name of Christ. Amen.

Copyright © 2003 Nathan Nettleton Reposted:

In This Series...

Pentecost, Year B - Lectionary Planning Notes Trinity Sunday, Year B - Lectionary Planning Notes Second Sunday after Pentecost, Year B - Lectionary Planning Notes Third Sunday after Pentecost, Year B - Lectionary Planning Notes Fourth Sunday after Pentecost, Year B - Lectionary Planning Notes Fifth Sunday after Pentecost, Year B - Lectionary Planning Notes