If the faith of the deceased or of the mourners is such that the pastor considers parts of the Service of Death and Resurrection inappropriate, adaptations may be made with appropriate consultation so that no one's integrity is violated. The acts of worship below may not be appropriate for persons who were adherents of other religions.
Words of Grace and Sentences
The eternal God is our dwelling place,
and underneath are the everlasting arms. (DEUTERONOMY 33:27 RSV, ALT.)
The Lord is near to the brokenhearted,
and saves the crushed in spirit. (PSALM 34:18, UMH 770)
The Lord heals the brokenhearted, and binds up their wounds.
Great is our Lord, and abundant in power,
whose understanding is beyond measure. (PSALM 147:3, 5, UMH 859)
O God our Father, Creator of us all, giver and preserver of all life:
We confess to you our slowness to accept death as part of your plan for life.
We confess our reluctance to commit to you those whom we love.
Restore our faith that we may come to trust in your care and providence;
through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
O Lord, from everlasting to everlasting you are God.
Look down upon our sorrowing hearts today, we humbly pray,
and be gracious to us.
Help all who mourn to cast every care upon you, and find comfort;
through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Eternal God, you know all things in earth and heaven.
So fill our hearts with trust in you
that, by night and by day, at all times and in all seasons,
we may without fear commit those who are dear to us
to your never-failing love, for this life and the life to come. Amen.
Scripture Readings
Ecclesiastes 3:1 –15 |
For everything there is a season. |
Lamentations 3:1 –9, 19–26 |
God's steadfast love |
Psalm 39 (UMH 773) |
Make me to know the measure of my days. |
Romans 14:7 –13 |
Why do you pass judgment? |
Matthew 5:1 –12 |
The Beatitudes |
Matthew 25:31–46 |
As you did it to one of the least |
Luke 20:27 –39 God of the living, to whom all live |
(Also Matthew 22:23 –33; Mark 12:18 –27) |
Suggested Hymn from UMH
707 Hymn of Promise
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Copyright: “At the Service for a Person Who Did not Profess the Christian Faith” Copyrigh © 1979 by Abingdon. Renewal Copyright © 1992 UMPH. Prayer #1 Copyright © 1964, 1965 by Board of Publication of The Methodist Church, Inc. Renewal Copyright © 1992 UMPH.
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