Home Calendar What You Really Need to Know about Housing Allowances

What You Really Need to Know about Housing Allowances

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DATE: Tuesday, August 10, 2021
6:30 p.m. CDT
PRESENTERS: Ken Sloane & Bryan Mills

Each year when we do the special clergy tax webinar, we get more questions about the Housing Allowance than any other topic. And the questions come not just from clergy, but from Finance Committee members, Treasurers, and SPRC chairs as well. So for the first time, we are going to offer a webinar for laity and clergy to help churches better understand this special provision and how it can be a blessing to everyone! Join Ken Sloane, Director of Stewardship & Generosity and his guest Bryan Mills, General Counsel for the General Council on Finance & Administration (GCFA), as we try to bring clarity to an often confusing topic.

Something new: we will be offering an opportunity to send in questions ahead of time with your registration!

Watch the video archive of this webinar: