
Lent 2018 Worship Planning Series

Second Sunday in Lent 2018, Year B

With a theme like this, it may be tempting to move into heavy-handed “holier than thou, hyper-righteousness” mode. Instead, gentleness, transparency, and humility are needed. Prepare yourselves to model these things in the ways you as worship leaders lead today. There’s no shame in admitting we need help. We do. And thanks be to God, God is ready to offer help to one and all, through prayer, through sacrament, and through our interactions with others in our daily lives.

Intervention — Rehab Series!

Rehab: A Group Study book cover - purple texture background

Rehab: A Group Study

Rehab: A Group Study is a five-week companion study based on the Lent 2018 worship series “Rehab”developed by the worship team at Discipleship Ministries. Each lesson uses the same scriptures and themes as the previous Sunday’s worship service.

Learn more and download »

Rehab: A Podcast for LentRehab: A Podcast for Lent – Intervention (Week 2)

Rehab: A Podcast for Lent invites you to move out of your comfort zone into the wilderness. To be faced with Intervention as you discover what you need to change about yourself or your circumstances. To get into a program that moves you forward. To embrace recovery as a sign of God's grace. And to live into the promise of new life that is given to you through faith in Jesus. Listen to Podcast

Articles and Resources


​Offertory Prayer

God Almighty, we rejoice in your constant faithfulness! You established your eternal covenant with your people Israel. Through the ministry of your Son Jesus, you welcomed all who trust you into your extended family. Just as with Abraham and Sarah, you gave us a new name in baptism: a beloved child of God. Empower us by your Spirit to live as generous people who share freely. May we tell younger generations of your goodness and serve your purposes in the world. As a covenant people, we dedicate our tithes and offerings through Christ our Lord. Amen. (Genesis 17:1-16)

​Lent 2018 Worship Planning Series For Youth

The annual observance of the Lenten discipline among Christians is a time to seek restoration for our lives. It is a time to reflect, take stock of our spiritual condition, and realign our lives. There is much to mine from considering our Lenten journey this year within the frame of rehab, much to explore, much to learn. On each Sunday of this journey, the Scriptures provide the core guidance for the work of the week to come in our own lives and with others in midweek formation groups. Explore Intervention Resources »

​Graphics Downloads — Intervention

8.5x11 Bulletin Cover (.jpg) — [Color] [Black & White]

11x17 Bulletin Cover (.jpg) — [Color] [Black & White]

Facebook Cover Image - Intervention [.png]

Twitter Banner - Intervention [.png]

16:9 PowerPoint/Projection Images (.jpg) [Title Screen] [Background]

4:3 PowerPoint/Projection Images (.jpg) [Title Screen] [Background]

​Graphics Downloads — Rehab Series

8.5x11 Bulletin Cover (.jpg) — [Color] [Black & White]

11x17 Bulletin Cover (.jpg) — [Color] [Black & White]

Facebook Cover Image - Rehab Series [.png]

Twitter Banner - Rehab Series [.png]

16:9 PowerPoint/Projection Images (.jpg) [Title Screen] [Background]

4:3 PowerPoint/Projection Images (.jpg) [Title Screen] [Background]