The Outsiders Join Us

Easter Season 2018 Worship Planning Series

Sixth Sunday of Easter 2018, Year B

This service begins with a quick, confident act of recognition of all persons who have started a connection with the congregation or its ministries during the past year. Last week focused primarily on outreach ministries to people who are different from the dominant culture and socio-economic location of people in your congregation. This week focuses on people who are finding a home among you recently primarily in worship, Christian formation ministries, and other ministries of the church.

And in the Power of the Holy Spirit: The Outsiders Join Us


The service begins with the ringing of a bell or the clamor of a gong.
The deacon or a lay leader (if there is no deacon) stands in the back of the worship space, in front of the choir or musical ensemble, and announces:

Alleluia. Christ is risen!
People: The Lord is risen indeed. Alleluia!

The deacon or lay leader then invites everyone who has first started attending worship or other ministries of the church in the past year to stand, be named, and be greeted with applause by the congregation.

We Are the Church (st. 1-4) UMH 558
All Praise to Our Redeeming Lord (st. 1-3) UMH 554
(alt tunes:GRÄFENBERG, UMH 193 OR AZMON, UMH 57)

AH = The Africana Hymnal

BOW = United Methodist Book of Worship

CCLI = Christian Copyright Licensing International, SongSelect

TFWS = The Faith We Sing (2000)

UMH = United Methodist Hymnal

W&S = Worship & Song (2011)

SOZ = Songs of Zion


Spirit Break Out CCLI #6058450

Prayer for Illumination

(after “All Praise to Our Redeeming Lord”)
Holy Spirit, you constantly stir
the hearts of others from far and near
to join us in your church.
Stir our hearts as we hear your Word
that we may faithfully and joyfully receive
all whom you send our way. Amen.

(after “Spirit Break Out”)
Even so, break out, Holy Spirit,
of every wall we build around you.
And through your word read and proclaimed among us
break down every wall we build against others
until we all know, feel, and rejoice
that we are being made one body with all the redeemed
in Jesus Christ, our King. Amen.


Reading Acts 10:44-47 (NRSV)

Sermon And the Outsiders Join Us

Confessing in Song
The deacon, pastor, or others may prepare the Lord’s table, and the offering may be collected during the singing.

Welcome W&S 3152
Draw the Circle W&S 3154


The River Is Here CCLI #1475231


Invitation to the Table UMH 8
Confession, Pardon, and Peace UMH 8

The Great Thanksgiving BOW 66-67


The pastor lifts hands in prayer and invites all to join in this posture of prayer.

Holy Wisdom is with us.
We praise you, Christ Crucified.

Holy Spirit breathes in us.
Spirit of Power, Spirit of Life!

Holy Source of All draws near.
In you alone we boast!
With all creation we sing:

Holy Holy Holy UMH 21 or other setting

Holy are you, O God,
ever creating,
stirring in the souls
and bringing among us
those we least expect.
Holy are you, O God.

Holy are you, O God,
enfleshed in Jesus,
delivering us from the power of sin and death,
empowering us by the Spirit,
and interrupting our talk and explanations
with unmistakable signs of your saving power.
Holy are you, O God.

Holy the food Jesus gave,
when on the night of his betrayal
he took bread, blessed it and broke it,
and gave it to his disciples.
Holy the words he spoke then,
and your Spirit speaks still:
"This is my body broken for you. Remember me."

Holy the drink Jesus offered,
when that same night he took the cup,
thanked you and shared it.
Holy the words he spoke then,
and your Spirit speaks still:
"This is my blood of the new covenant for you. Remember me."

We remember you,
Source, Wisdom and Spirit of Holiness.
We praise you not only with our lips
but with our lives:

Jesus Christ,
crucified, you called and claimed us,
risen, you have raised us,
coming again, you make all things new.
Even so, come Lord Jesus! Hallelujah!

Even so, come and fill this feast, Holy Spirit,
Spirit of Power, Spirit of Life.
Come upon us and these gifts of bread and wine.

Make them be for us what Jesus says they are,
Christ's body, Christ's blood.
Make us become what Jesus prays we are,
one body in him empowered and enlivened by his blood.

Deacon, Lay Leader, or Pastor:
One in service, one in witness, one in compassion,
and one even now in prayer, saying:
Lord, have mercy.

One with all persons kept in poverty or slavery,
with all who are in fear from abusers, terrorists, and oppressors,
with all who face addiction of any kind,
and with all who are targeted for unjust treatment because of who they are;
Lord, have mercy.

One with the earth, and all creatures upon it,
the riches in its depths,
and the fragility of its air and water;
Lord, have mercy.

One in prayer for leaders in religious, political, economic, and social life;
and for all who work to sustain and protect our lives
as military, civilian workers, and first responders;
Lord, have mercy.

One with families, friends, and neighbors,
near and far, like us and different from us;
with all who need your healing power,
Lord, have mercy.

So may this food and drink be holy,
and nourish us in holy conversation this day
and every day
as on that day we feast with him
in new creation.

And now and ever,
all glory to you,
Holy Spirit, Holy Wisdom, Holy Source
of all that was, and is, and is to come. Amen.

The pastor breaks the bread in the sight of the people, then serves the servers, one of whom also serves the pastor. The people are then served.

Music During Communion

All Who Hunger TFWS 2126


Let Us Talents and Tongues Employ ZSS 206

Thanksgiving after Communion

Almighty God, we give you thanks for this holy mystery
by which you feed all who come to you
your very life.

Send us now in the strength of your Spirit
to proclaim the resurrection
and expect your power to surprise us
every time.



Welcome W&S 3152


Welcome to the Place of Level Ground CCLI #5636024

Deacon or Pastor:
Alleluia! Alleluia!
Stay here a while to welcome all whom the Spirit has brought together this day,
then go outside to see whom God will bring next!
People: Thanks be to God! Alleluia! Alleluia!

In This Series...

Second Sunday of Easter 2018 — Planning Notes Third Sunday of Easter 2018 — Planning Notes Fourth Sunday of Easter 2018 — Planning Notes Fifth Sunday of Easter 2018 — Planning Notes Sixth Sunday of Easter 2018 — Planning Notes Seventh Sunday of Easter 2018 — Planning Notes Pentecost 2018 — Planning Notes


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  • White

In This Series...

Second Sunday of Easter 2018 — Planning Notes Third Sunday of Easter 2018 — Planning Notes Fourth Sunday of Easter 2018 — Planning Notes Fifth Sunday of Easter 2018 — Planning Notes Sixth Sunday of Easter 2018 — Planning Notes Seventh Sunday of Easter 2018 — Planning Notes Pentecost 2018 — Planning Notes