Follow Me

Easter 2019, Part 1 Worship Planning Series

Third Sunday in Easter 2019, Year C

In the stories of Jesus seeing his disciples after the resurrection, several times we see Jesus having conversations with his disciples without them recognizing him—at least not right away. They don’t recognize him until he does something familiar. 

Living Worship Series: FOLLOW ME
May 5, 2019

Week 3 – To Live for Jesus is to Follow Jesus

John 21:1-19

Fellowship - Snacks (10 minutes)

Gathering Time (5-10 minutes). In pairs or groups of three, discuss the following: In an age when to “follow” someone might be thought of primarily in terms of social media, what does it mean to “follow” Jesus?

Read: John 21:1-19

  • Read the passage a second time. This time, ask participants to place themselves in Peter’s shoes. What emotions did you experience through the different parts of the passage?
  • Why do you think Jesus asked Peter three times, “Do you love me?” Do you think Peter grew in his confidence following this conversation with Jesus? Why or why not?
  • Now that the disciples have encountered the risen Christ, how might this story be seen as another call for the disciples to follow Jesus in a new way?
  • How have you experienced God asking you to “follow him” or “calling” you to be in ministry?
  • Where is God inviting you to go so that you might more closely follow him? [Be alone; study and grow; show compassion to certain people that you have a difficult time relating to, etc.].

Prayer (10 minutes). Share prayer requests and respond appropriately.

Sending Forth (2 minutes). End by praying the following or similar prayer:

Sending God, who out of your abundant love sent the Son for the world and who sends the Holy Spirit to bring us comfort and conviction. So now, you send us to give testimony of your abundant love and abiding presence. Give us courage to be people who have been called to follow and share God’s love. Amen.

In This Series...

Easter Sunday 2019, Year C — Planning Notes: Living Second Sunday in Easter 2019, Year C — Planning Notes Third Sunday in Easter 2019, Year C — Planning Notes Fourth Sunday in Easter 2019, Year C — Planning Notes


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In This Series...

Easter Sunday 2019, Year C — Planning Notes: Living Second Sunday in Easter 2019, Year C — Planning Notes Third Sunday in Easter 2019, Year C — Planning Notes Fourth Sunday in Easter 2019, Year C — Planning Notes