Believe in Me

Easter 2019, Part 1 Worship Planning Series

Second Sunday in Easter 2019, Year C

Jesus arrives among a group of disciples who are scared for their lives; they have every right to be. They saw their leader crucified and are concerned that they might be next. It is perfectly understandable for them to feel scared, anxious, and nervous—anything but peaceful. 

Living Worship Series: BELIEVE IN ME
April 28, 2019

Week 2 – To Live for Jesus is to Believe in Him

John 20:19-31

Fellowship - Snacks (10 minutes)

Gathering and Opening (10 minutes). In pairs, discuss a time when you experienced peace.

Group Dialogue (Approximately 30 minutes)

Read: John 20:19-31.

Work as a group to define the word “peace.”

  • How does the presence of another, a welcome more powerful other, contribute to a sense of peace?
  • While peace, on a very surface level, is thought of as an inner absence of conflict, how is the peace that Jesus gives connected to our being sent as disciples? [John 20:21]
  • How did encountering the resurrected Jesus bring transformation to Thomas? How is our experience like and unlike Thomas’s experience?
  • What helps you in times of unbelief and/or uncertainty?
  • How do we “see” Jesus today? [20:29]
  • How does our relationship with the risen Christ give us joy and peace, but also challenge us to be sent as witnesses of Jesus to others?

Prayer (10 minutes). Share prayer requests and respond appropriately.

Sending Forth (2 minutes). End by praying the following or a similar prayer:

Faithful God, who continues to be present with us through the Holy Spirit, grant us your abiding joy and peace that, in any circumstance we face, we will be able to praise you. Help us to witness to the good news of abundant life to all those we encounter this week. Amen.

In This Series...

Easter Sunday 2019, Year C — Planning Notes: Living Second Sunday in Easter 2019, Year C — Planning Notes Third Sunday in Easter 2019, Year C — Planning Notes Fourth Sunday in Easter 2019, Year C — Planning Notes


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In This Series...

Easter Sunday 2019, Year C — Planning Notes: Living Second Sunday in Easter 2019, Year C — Planning Notes Third Sunday in Easter 2019, Year C — Planning Notes Fourth Sunday in Easter 2019, Year C — Planning Notes