Order of Worship

Laity Sunday


Suggested Congregational Songs and Hymns*:

“All Praise to Thee, for Thou, O King Divine” UMH 166

“Make Me a Captive, Lord” UMH 421

“If I Can Help Somebody” ZSS 140

AH = The Africana Hymnal

BOW = United Methodist Book of Worship

CCLI = Christian Copyright Licensing International, SongSelect

TFWS = The Faith We Sing (2000)

UMH = United Methodist Hymnal

W&S = Worship & Song (2011)

SOZ = Songs of Zion

“The Servant Song” TFWS 2222

“He’ll Understand and Say ‘Well Done’” ZSS 138

“Lord, Whose Love Through Humble Service” UMH 581

“The Summons” TFWS 2130

“We Are the Church” UMH 558

“I Will Serve Thee” CCLI #14040

“Go to the World” W&S 3158

*Also see the “Suggested Hymns” tab among the Laity Sunday worship resources.

Call to Worship

We are appointed by Jesus Christ.
We go with God.

We offer peace in the Spirit of the Lord to everyone we meet.
We open our hearts.

We proclaim the good news.
The kingdom of God is near!


Message Theme: Therefore Go! With Hope Through Offering Christ Mark 10:35-45

Prayers of the People (Skip if using “A New Great Thanksgiving for Laity Sunday”)

The four lay preachers may become the leaders of the intercessions, or other laity may be chosen to lead the prayers.

Pastor: We will go, Lord, into the world,
telling and retelling the story with other believers,
taking the gospel and making disciples
among all the peoples with whom we come in contact.
We will go, knowing you will be with us.
So as we go, and before we go, we pray for the church and the world.

Lay leader: For our unity and the unity of your whole church in your mission to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world?
People: Hear us, O God.

Lay leader: With leaders at every level of our common life— villages, towns, states, nations, corporations, and international associations—that there may be peace and justice for all people
People: Hear us, O God.

Lay leader: For the earth, that we may be and inspire others to be good stewards of all of the gifts of your creation
People: Hear us, O God.

Lay leader: With all who need your healing and deliverance, from physical or mental illness, isolation, deprivation, violence, and any form of oppression
People: Hear us, O God.

Pastor: Hear us, O God, and make us also to be agents of your unity, justice, care, and healing. Amen.



Invitation to Thanksgiving

We will go, Lord, into the world,
telling and retelling the story with other believers,
taking the gospel and making disciples
among all the peoples with whom we come in contact.
We will go, knowing you will be with us.

You, O God, to whom we would
in these moments,
pour out our lives in service
and in thanksgiving.But we know the barriers that stand in our way.
We cannot pour ourselves out to you fully as individuals
with unconfessed sin in our lives.

We cannot pour ourselves out to you fully as your body
when we are in conflict with others.

So hear our confession,
forgive and deliver us,
and give us courage to offer your peace
to one another.

Confession of Sin

We have sinned against you and each other, Lord.
We have not lived worshipfully.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our confession.


We have not loved you wholly.
We have not loved our neighbors as ourselves.
We have not lived worshipfully.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our confession.


We have not denied ourselves and taken up our own cross daily.
We live not lived worshipfully.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our confession.


We have not loved kindness, pursued justice, or walked humbly with you.
We have not lived worshipfully.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our confession.


We have not shared the good news with our lips or in our lives.
We have not lived worshipfully.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our confession.


Pastor/Leader: The saying is sure: If we confess our sins, God is merciful and just and forgives us our sins, and cleanses us from all unrighteousness.
In the name of Christ, you/we are forgiven.

People/Leader to Pastor and Each Other: In the name of Christ, you/we are forgiven.

All: Glory to God! Amen!

Pastor/Leader: As forgiven and reconciled people, share Christ’s peace with one another.
The peace of Christ be always with you.
And also with you.

The people share the peace of Christ with one another. After a suitable period of time, the pastor may continue:

Pastor/Leader: Forgiven and reconciled to God and one another,
let us offer our gifts and our thanks to God!

Thanksgiving Songs

During the Collection:
“Thank You, Lord” (UMH 84)

At the Presentation of Gifts:
“We Bring the Sacrifice of Praise” (TFWS 2031)

Pastor: Accept our sacrifices of thanksgiving and joy, O Lord,
as, by your Spirit, we remember and proclaim who we are!

Continue with Sending Forth


Invitation to the Table (UMH 12)

Confession of Sin (UMH 12)

Act of Pardon (UMH 12)

Sharing of Peace (UMH 12)

Offering (UMH 13)

Great Thanksgiving: A Great Thanksgiving for Laity Sunday or A New Great Thanksgiving for Laity Sunday


Blessing and Benediction

Go into the world, denying yourself,
and proclaim God’s love,
justice, and good news,
in word and deed
to all you see.

Father, Son, and Holy Spirit,
is with you, now and always.