Palm/Passion Sunday

Holy Week 2020

Palm/Passion Sunday, Year A

From the waving of palm branches while shouting “Hosanna!” to the gathering of the mob shouting “Crucify Him!”, Palm/Passion Sunday is the beginning of a difficult journey to the cross. Whether the last Sunday of Lent or the prelude to Easter, this act of worship is rich with meaning and presence.

Primary Symbols

Palm (olive) branches – joy, victory
Donkey/colt – humility, peace
Road weary cloaks

Primary Themes

Celebration, processional, multi-generational crowd


Bright shades of purple

Worship Resources

Prayer of the Day

(Dr. Cynthia A Wilson, 2/2020)

Lord God, You are good! Your goodness never ends;
Here we are God, the crowd has thinned out, it is eerily quiet;
The air has shifted, the palms have been trampled, the sky is gray;
The joy has disappeared, the voices of victory are silent;
The celebration for the arrival of Our long awaited Messianic Hope is waning;
The road ahead is long, but we are able! It is the way of suffering, we are able!
Mold us and make us like Thee divine.
Even in our human frailty, You are still good!
Even in our doubts, You are still good!
Even in the face of betrayal, You are still good!
We place our lives are in your hands, because you are still good!
And your goodness never ends,
And so we cry Hosanna!

In This Series...

Palm/Passion Sunday - Lectionary Planning Notes Maundy Thursday - Lectionary Planning Notes Good Friday, Year A - Lectionary Planning Notes


  • Red
  • Purple

In This Series...

Palm/Passion Sunday - Lectionary Planning Notes Maundy Thursday - Lectionary Planning Notes Good Friday, Year A - Lectionary Planning Notes