God Makes This World Our Home

Advent through Christmas Season 2017 — Series Overview

Fourth Sunday of Advent 2017, Year B (Morning Worship Service)

Are we willing to receive Christ into our hearts? And are we willing to live with Mary’s courage? Can her song be our song too? Can we refuse to give into the fear that the world screams constantly into our lives? Can we reject the notion that everything is spinning out of control, and embrace that the world is simply about to turn, just as God intends it? Can we admit that there are things about our world that need to be turned upside down for the sake of others?


Order of Worship



AH = The Africana Hymnal

BOW = United Methodist Book of Worship

CCLI = Christian Copyright Licensing International, SongSelect

TFWS = The Faith We Sing (2000)

UMH = United Methodist Hymnal

W&S = Worship & Song (2011)

ZSS = Zion Still Sings (2007)

Leader: Greetings, favored ones!
Do not be afraid.
The Lord is with you.

People: Holy Spirit, come upon us.
Power of the Most High,
overshadow us.

Congregational Song

Lo, How a Rose E’er Blooming UMH 216
Wait Right Here Until He Comes AH 4032
Holy Spirit CCLI #6087919

Prayer for Illumination

Our souls rejoice in your presence, O God.
Speak now your word in our singing

that our lives may rejoice in your way.


Gospel Lesson: Luke 1:46-55 [All Sing Canticle of the Turning]

Canticle of the Turning URW 18

Sermon: God Makes This World Our Home

Lighting the Advent Wreath

Hymn: “O Come, O Come, Emmanuel,” stanza 7, The United Methodist Hymnal, 211

All: “O come, Desire of nations bind all peoples in one heart and mind.
From dust thou brought us forth to life; deliver us from earthly strife.”

Reader 1: “Our souls magnify the Lord and our spirits rejoice in God for God has looked with favor on us, God’s servants.”

Reader 2: “God has brought down the powerful from their thrones, and lifted up the lowly. God has filled the hungry with good things and sent the rich away empty.”

Reader 3: God of Justice, God of Peace, we open our hearts to you. Give us grace to be instruments of your righteousness.

Reader 4: Give us courage to turn away from distractions and distortions and turn toward the home you have made, are making, and will complete through Christ.

All: We, God’s people, sing songs of joy with the prophet, “I will greatly rejoice in the LORD, my whole being shall exult in my God.” (Isaiah 61:10, NRSV)

Reader: On this fourth Sunday of Advent, the morning of Christmas Eve, we light this candle, turning with courage toward the One who makes a home among us.

Light all four Advent candles.

All: “Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel shall come to thee, O Israel.”

Prayers of the People Deacon or Lay Intercessor
Prayers of the People TFWS 2201
Prayers of the People CCLI #3414705
Prayer of the People CCLI #7039048

Thankgiving (in no communion)

Inviting Deacon or Pastor

The Lord requires of us a pure offering,
without blemish or spot.
We must be right with God
and our neighbor
to offer ourselves or our gifts to God.

Therefore, let us confess our sins against God,
and reconcile with our neighbors.

Let us pray.

Confessing Deacon or Pastor

We have refused your will, God Most High. (Based on Luke 1:38, 51-55, NRSV)
We have relied on our own strength.
We have made the powerful more powerful.
We have ignored or suppressed the lowly.


We have blessed the people who can support themselves,
and left hungry people to starve.
We have celebrated wealthy people,
and sent poor, sick, and outcast people to early graves.


Give us Gabriel’s words, “Fear not,”
and Mary’s courage to sing and live them.
Have mercy upon us.
Overthrow our sin with your strong arm.
Cast out our fear.


Pardoning and Peace

Pastor: According to the promise made to us in Christ Jesus,
the Mighty One remembers mercy when we confess our sin.
You are forgiven. Take courage!

You are forgiven. Take courage!

All: Glory to God! Amen.

At peace with God, let us now offer the peace of Christ to one another.

People exchange the peace of Christ.
The offering is collected.

Offertory Music

Choir/Ensemble/Congregational Music during Collection:
Like a Child TFWS 2092
Star-Child TFWS 2095

Congregational Thanks at Presentation of Gifts BOW 552 (All things come…)
(May be introduced and concluded by singing UMH 588)


Thanksgiving and Communion

Invitation, Confession, Pardon and Peace UMH 7-8

People exchange the peace of Christ.
The offering is collected.

Offertory Music

Choir/Ensemble/Congregational Music during Collection:
Like a Child TFWS 2092
Star-Child TFWS 2095

Great Thanksgiving for Advent BOW 54-55

Congregational Song:
The Virgin Mary Had a Baby Boy TFWS 2098 OR Africana 4037
Toda la Tierra UMH 210

Thanksgiving after Communion

Thank you, God, for making our wearied souls
join Mary’s song,
rejoicing in this holy mystery,
flesh and blood in our flesh and blood.
Send us by your Spirit
as heralds, harbingers, and troubadours
of your kingdom come and coming;
through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.


Song of Sending
Canticle of the Turning St 4 and Refrain (2x) URW 18

Dismissal with Blessing

Look at the home God is making.
Emperors and monopolists fail,
and everyone can prosper.
All who are hungry are abundantly fed,
and those whose action or neglect starved them are stopped.
Whatever has been made lacking for some
is made available everywhere for all.
Go forth in the joy of Mary
and the strength of the Spirit
to join what Jesus announced
and God is still doing
to make this world a home!


All [sung]: “Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel shall come to thee, O Israel.” (UMH 211)

In This Series...

First Sunday of Advent 2017 Planning Notes Second Sunday of Advent 2017 Planning Notes Third Sunday of Advent 2017 Planning Notes Christmas Eve 2017 Planning Notes Fourth Sunday of Advent 2017 Planning Notes First Sunday After Christmas Day 2017 Planning Notes


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In This Series...

First Sunday of Advent 2017 Planning Notes Second Sunday of Advent 2017 Planning Notes Third Sunday of Advent 2017 Planning Notes Christmas Eve 2017 Planning Notes Fourth Sunday of Advent 2017 Planning Notes First Sunday After Christmas Day 2017 Planning Notes