We See a New day Dawnin'! A 21st Century Africana Resource for Christmas Eve
Isaiah 9:2-7
Psalm 96 (UMH 815)
Titus 2:11-14
Luke 2:1-20
Call to Worship
(Based on Isaiah 9:2-7)
Leader: We were down in the dark. Now we see a great light.
People: Thank God, we see a new day dawnin'!
Leader: What was nothing is turning to something.
People: We see a new day dawnin'!
Leader: Terror tried us, storms denied us; injustice angered us, apathy
discouraged us. But thank God today that,
People: We see a new day dawnin'!
Leader: Sorrow is turning to joy.
People: We see a new day dawnin'!
Leader: Oppression giving way to overflow.
People: We see a new day dawnin'!
Leader: Burdens becoming blessings!
People: A new day is dawnin'!
Leader: Sadness to salvation!
People: A new day is dawnin'!
Leader: The yoke is broke! A new day is dawnin'!
For a Savior is born for us.
Wonderful Counselor, He's the guide for us.
Everlasting Father, He's the provider for us.
Prince of Peace, drawing near to us.
People: It's a new day! And we thank God for it! Let us worship the Lord our God.
Litany of Praise
(Based on Psalm 96)
Suggestions: Consider having a small group present this litany as a rap. Also consider using a djembe or conga drums in the background.
Leader: We're singing a new tune!
People: Sing it, ya'll!
Leader: Wanna sing it. Gotta sing it. Have to sing it.
People: We're singing a new tune!
Leader: In the darkness of terror, in the trial of human error. God has given hope, no need to mope.
People: We're singing a new tune.
Leader: In the depression of tragedy, in the disappointment and pain.
God has sent His Son. There's no more shame in our game.
People: We're singing a new tune!
Leader: A tune of blessing, a tune of salvation, a tune of glory. There's possibility for the nation.
People: We're singing a new tune!
Leader: A tune of justice, a tune of redemption, a tune of joy. One can't help but to mention that:
People: We're singing a new tune!
Leader: 'Cause Jesus is on the scene, The Son of God, sent by God, to save us from our sins.
Honor is his, majesty the same.
Old tunes we don't have to sing again.
People: We're singing a new tune!
Leader: Great is the Lord and greatly to be praised.
ALL: From here on out, we're singing a new tune!
Offertory Prayer
(Titus 2:11-14)
O Lord, as we prepare to share our gifts with you, the giver of all things, let us remember your grace given freely to us this day. Let us rejoice in your hope that encourages us along the way. Let us surrender our sin and live life worthy of your name. Let us bask in the blessing of truly being born again. As you have been zealous in redeeming our souls, we offer you these gifts and thank you for making us whole. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.
(Based on Luke 2:1-14)
And now unto Him, who came as an illegitimate child in poverty,
Who though born out of wedlock rose up to redeem the world.
To Him who brings good news in bad situations, great joy despite incriminations.
To Jesus, our Savior, be glory in the heavens,
justice in our cities,
honor in our homes, and peace in our streets
Now and forevermore. Amen.
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The Rev. Joseph W. Daniels, Jr. is the Senior Pastor of Emory United Methodist Church in Washington, D.C.
21st Century Africana Liturgy Resources: "Worship Resources for Christmas Eve" Copyright © 2005 Joseph W. Daniels, Jr. Used with permission. All rights reserved.
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