God's Faithfulness: A 21st Century Africana Resource for the Fourth Sunday After Pentecost, Year A
Revised Common Lectionary Readings
Genesis 25:19-34
Psalm 119:105112 or Psalm 25 (UMH 756)
Romans 8:111
Matthew 13:19, 18-23
Gathering Meditation (Based on Matthew 13:1-23)
What can be compared to God's faithfulness? In spite of 'thorny' receptions, God continues to sow good news. Forgiveness, grace, love, and comfort all come from God's hand with the hope that someone will receive them.
God sows tirelessly, knowing that distractions prevent many seeds from sprouting. Doubt barges into our thoughts. Impatience taunts our faith saying, "Why not give up because God has not answered yet?"
Still God sows, hoping that we will be the "good soil" that chooses to believe, endure, and bear good fruit. Call to
Worship (Based on Psalm 119:105-112)
One Voice: Your word is a lamp to my feet.
Many Voices: Show my feet where the righteous walk.
Protect me from evil and prod me to fight for justice.
Guide me past temptation and compel me to help someone in need.
One Voice: Your word is a light to my path.
Many Voices: Light my path when I have to walk alone through dark alleys, empty parking lots, and deserted streets.
One Voice: When we are afflicted, give us life Lord.
Many Voices: Give us life when misery dulls our souls.
Give us life when sorrow swallows hope.
Give us life when persecution pummels sanity.
One Voice: Accept our offering of praise, Lord.
Many Voices: Praise you Lord — Lamp to my feet, Light to my path, Giver of life.
Call to Confession
A Prayer for Esau
(Based on Genesis 25:29-34)
How often, with regret,
I reflect on what could have been, Lord.
If only I had known what you had predestined for me before I
gave it away,
ignored its potential,
and misjudged its value
to enjoy temporary satisfaction.
First anger, then rage consumed me.
Jealousy poisoned my blood. I ache over my losses.
I have spent too many sleepless nights mulling over missed opportunity.
Forgive me God
for being shortsighted
for despising the gifts that you tried to give me.
Let today mark a new beginning.
Give me strength to bless those who have benefited from what I squandered.
Turn my focus away from the pain of regret to the promise of hope. Amen.
Words of Assurance
God hears the painful cry of regret that leads to repentance.
Know that the Lord is faithful to forgive and provide grace for new beginnings.
Today, you are forgiven.
Today, rediscover the divine destiny that God has for your life. For additional resources for July 10, 2005 see Worship Planning Helps, Preaching Helps, and Lectionary Hymns for July 10, 2005.
Kwasi I. Kena is a former Discipleship Ministries staff member.
21st Century Africana Liturgy Resources: "Worship Resource for the Fourth Sunday after Pentecost, Year A" Copyright © 2005 Discipleship Ministries
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