Advent Prayer Service
The following Advent Prayer Service was submitted by Debi Tyree. It uses several songs from The Faith We Sing. You may use or adapt it to your own needs. Debi says, "This service was announced (no printed bulletin) and led by several volunteers from the Music Unit of The United Methodist Publishing House for one of the daily Advent prayer services. It could be used during a short devotion or prayer time or at the close of a meeting or a choir rehearsal. It lasts approximately fifteen to twenty minutes."
Advent Prayer Service
Read stanza one of "Star-Child," The Faith We Sing, 2095.
CONGREGATIONAL SONG: "Like a Child," The Faith We Sing, 2092
SCRIPTURE: Isaiah 7:13-14, Isaiah 9:6-7
Leader: Please open The Faith We Sing to 2095, "Star Child." A soloist will sing the stanzas. Please join in on the refrain. We will have a directed prayer followed by a time of personal prayer at the end of each stanza.
Soloist sings stanza one of "Star-Child," The Faith We Sing, 2095.
Meditation Prayer: Let us give thanks for the Child whom we celebrate this Advent season — the Child who came to earth as an infant, died, and rose as our Savior; and for whose coming again we wait with anticipation and love.
Silent Prayer
Soloist sings stanza 2 of "Star-Child," The Faith We Sing, 2095.
Meditation Prayer:
Let us pray . . .
For the children of this world.
For infants who are not held in love.
For children who are abused physically, emotionally, and spiritually.
For the children who live across the street at Safe Haven Shelter (substitute the name and area of a local family shelter) and for children who live in shelters throughout our nation and world.
For children who live in substandard housing, who live on the streets, and in war-torn nations.
For children who are hurting throughout our world and for children who mourn the loss of their childhood.
Silent Prayer
Soloist sings stanza 3 of "Star-Child," The Faith We Sing, 2095.
Meditation Prayer:
Let us pray . . .
For the child found in the hearts of the elderly.
For those who wait for human touch and for those who cry silent tears of loneliness.
For those who hunger to hear your word and for those who must choose between going hungry or going to the pharmacy.
For those who have separated themselves from their families and for those whose families have forgotten their elders.
We pray for the elders who still dream the dream of a world where the city streets are filled with God's children playing — God's world of peace.
Silent Prayer
Soloist sings stanza 4 of "Star-Child," The Faith We Sing, 2095.
Meditation Prayer:
Let us pray for the child within ourselves — the child who struggles to live out a calling to follow Christ.
Let us pray . . .
For one another, naming one another in our hearts.
For our ministry here at ___________ (substitute name of church or setting).
For our families, and for those who are dear to us.
Silent Prayer
Close of Prayer: We pray this in the name of the Star-Child, the Hope-for-Peace Child, the Christ Child. Amen.
Leader: Let us sing together stanza 5 "Star-Child," The Faith We Sing, 2095.
ALL SING Stanza 5 of "Star-Child."
Leader: Please turn to 2091, "The King of Glory Comes," in The Faith We Sing. This Israeli folk song needs to be sung AND danced. Let's practice the dance before we sing it:
Step to the side with your right foot and touch your left foot beside your right foot. Step to the side with your right foot again and clap as you touch your left foot beside your right foot. Now we're going to go back, starting with your left foot, right touch, left foot, and clap with the right touch.
CONGREGATIONAL SONG: "The King of Glory Comes," The Faith We Sing, 2091
Leader: Go into the world filled with the peace and love of the Christ Child, the Star-Child.
ALL: Amen.
RESPONSE: Refrain, "The King of Glory Comes," The Faith We Sing, 2091
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