Home Calendar Wesley Week Gathering for Young Adults in Taizé, France

Wesley Week Gathering for Young Adults in Taizé, France

Update: July 6, 2020

With deep apologies, you may not be surprised to note that Wesley Week 2020 is unable to go ahead as originally planned.

Taizé have dramatically reduced the number of people who can physically be in attendance at Taizé, and aside from this, the team that has been dreaming up this adventure think it wiser and more prudent at this juncture to limit ourselves to online connection this year.

While we cannot be physically present at Taizé, we can still listen to some inspiring teaching and messages from those who would be leading us at Taizé, AND, should you choose you can also connect with Taizé prayer through their website, or through YouTube.

In order to do this, we have set up an Instagram account and a Facebook page for you to follow. Our reflections will appear daily throughout the days we were to be together in Taizé. Please do sign up! Our Instagram handle is @wesleyweek and you can find the Facebook page HERE.

We want to honor all our participants, and if you desire a return of the €22 please contact [email protected] with your request. Alternatively, we will automatically put your name forward as registration PAID for next year's Wesley Week (setting aside any increase in price) for you. We are only too happy to keep in positive relationship with you, so whichever you decide is fine with us!

In the midst of all the diverging from what we knew as normal, may you keep a glimpse of the Almighty God who stands in love above and beyond all that we can see or understand.

In our tradition, we remember John Wesley saying, "Bring me a worm that can comprehend a man, and then I will show you a man that can comprehend the Triune God.”

May that mystery hold and enfold you.