Home Calendar De-Colonizing the Church - Week 1: The Theology of Racism

De-Colonizing the Church - Week 1: The Theology of Racism

What does it mean to “de-colonize” the church?

If we’re honest, most of the churches that were started in America followed a colonial approach where someone with authority or an “empire” mentality would come in and tell the community who God was, where and how God would be worshipped, and what it meant to be the church.

A de-colonizing approach recognizes that God is present in every community and that the church’s job is to listen, learn, and curate a faith community that is Spirit-led and honors the voices and lived experiences of those who gather as the body of Christ.

A team of BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and people of color) pastors and church planters developed a five-week webinar in the hopes that judicatory leaders, pastors, and laity could learn more about the inherent racism in the church and commit to de-colonize The United Methodist Church in America.

Leading scholars and practitioners in the field of anti-racism will be guiding us on this journey as we explore the following topics:

  • Week 1: The Theology of Racism
  • Week 2: Embodied Racism
  • Week 3: Racism in the UMC
  • Week 4: De-Colonizing Church Planting
  • Week 5: Anti-Racism

We invite you to join Path 1 on a journey to name and explore our own history of racism and what it means to be intentionally anti-racist as we start new ministries and faith communities in the UMC.

Join this five-week event every Thursday beginning February 18.

Early bird pricing available now through January 1. Take advantage now!

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