Compline, or Night Prayer

By Taylor Burton-Edwards


Gather into a circle.

Call all to Silence.

A candle is lit in the center.

Silence continues for another two minutes.

The Almighty grant us a peaceful night, free from danger, and peace at our journey’s end.



Let us confess our sin to God: what we have done, what we have left undone, and the promptings of the Holy Spirit we have failed to heed. Let us pray.

Silence (one minute) or sing “Confession” (Worship & Song 3138) followed by silence.

Let us pray.

Receive our confession, forgive us, and make us whole.

In the name of Jesus we are forgiven, cleansed and healed.

In Christ alone we rest. Amen.


Select from “All Praise to Thee, My God, This Night” (UMH 682), “Now on Sea and Land Descending” (UMH 685), “God, That Madest Earth and Heaven” (UMH 688), “The Day Thou Gavest, Lord, Is Ended” (UMH 689), or “Holy Darkness” (W&S 3141)

Prayers of Commendation

The first prayer leader invites all to sit, palms up on lap, a gesture of release of all things to God. Each prayer leader should allow for significant pauses between intercessions. Persons may take turns as prayer leader around the circle until the commendations are completed.

Prayer leader:
Into your hands, O God, into your hands.

Into your hands, O God, into your hands.

Prayer leader:
The day that has been… the people we have seen

Into your hands, O God, into your hands

Prayer leader:
The work we have done… the work we have left undone…

Into your hands, O God, into your hands

Prayer leader:
Our families, friends, congregations, and all who work with and care for us… Sisters and brothers in Christ throughout the world…

Into your hands, O God, into your hands

Prayer leader:
All whose work we rarely see… All who watch or work or weep while we sleep…

Into your hands, O God, into your hands

Prayer leader:
The earth and all that sustains it… All who have commended themselves to our prayers…

Into your hands, O God, into your hands

Prayer leader:
Our bodies… our breathing… the motions of our minds… the beating of our hearts…

Into your hands, O God, into your hands


The Holy One,
Father, Son, Spirit,
Creator, Christ, Advocate,
Mother, Womb, Nurse,
Source and End of All,
enfold, guide and bless us
this night and always.

Go in peace.

(The peace is exchanged).