Home How is Your Church Planning to Safely Return to Services in a Sanctuary?

How is Your Church Planning to Safely Return to Services in a Sanctuary?

We are all anxious to come back and fellowship side by side. However, your congregation and new members will want to know that your church has a plan to safely worship together with appropriate social distancing. At Discipleship Ministries, we know technology will play a vital role as we move forward in new “normals” of ministry.

Introducing two new tools to help you and your church create a plan to re-engage with your congregation.

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Helping Churches Get Back to Church

Discipleship Ministries has partnered with Pastors Toolbox to offer a simple solution to prepare your congregation for in-person worship.

The “Save-A-Seat” tool is a customized church event and service registration software enabling faith leaders to measure and communicate capacity during times of social distancing.

As a gift, we are providing discounted pricing to all United Methodist churches!

Sign Up Today!

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Get a Free Membership with Text In Church

Discipleship Ministries and Text In Church are joining together to help church leaders spend less time managing tools, and more time building relationships.

Start a FREE 60-day membership of Text In Church today so you can connect, minister, and care for the people in your community when they need you the most.

Get Started Today!